this is *totally* a fannish post

Apr 26, 2010 21:24

Huh. Twinings is making Lapsang Souchong teabags, and they're not half-bad. I must admit, I'm pleasantly surprised.

The full moon is coming, therefore the library has become more Crazytown than usual. But amidst all the crazy today, one of our regulars said to me, "You look nice today. I'm not hitting on you or anything, but you always look really nice."

That pretty much made my day. It did not hurt, either, that he is both younger than me and quite attractive. (Of all the patrons who might hit on me, he's the one I'm most likely to say yes to! Pity.)

Do you know what I would like to be doing? I would like to be writing something. Alas, I cannot dredge up a single bit of inspiration, either to finish my failed Big Bang fic, work on my novel, or even jot down the Deadliest Catch fic that's floating around in my head. So I will throw this out there and hope something sticks:

I'm taking requests. Comment here with a pairing (that I've written at least once) and a prompt and I'll see what I can do. Want to see an outtake from the Big Bang? Maybe some missing scene from an ancient fic/series? Something totally new? Whatever your pleasure, name it here and I'll see what I can do. Requests are open until whenever I run out of steam.

requests, scenes from the library

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