a list of unrelated things

Jul 07, 2009 08:38

+ Said to me by a coworker just now:

"I'm so glad Obama's in Russia so he doesn't have to go to Michael Jackson's funeral."

IDEK, you guys. It's the full moon. I'm just going to keep my head down and pray today is over quickly.

+ And on that note, here's what let's do: comment fic! Give me a pairing and/or prompt and I'll see what I can do. Well, prompt definitely, since that is the whole point. If you want to make it pairing-specific that's fine, but optional.

(I always ignore the ones that don't inspire me and tell myself I'll go back to them later, but I never do. So if I ignored one of yours in the last round [or the one before that, or the one before that...you get the point] and you really wanted to read it, you can always try again. As always, I make no guarantees.)

+ Ooh! OR we can do this very interesting meme, which I swiped from zippitgood just now:

Inspired by Doctor Who's "Turn Left:" Pick one of my stories and tell me a point in the tale that you'd change. Something tiny (e.g. "and then Fay chose silver glitter instead of gold") or big (e.g. "and then Rose was arrested instead of Jack") and I'll tell you how that one difference would have altered the course of the entire story.

Any story is fair game, no matter how small or ancient.

I think about that kind of stuff all the time, especially directly after I finish a fic. I'm always, "Damn, I could have done this here and it would have been completely different. That would have been SO MUCH BETTER." Who knows if I am right, but still, it's interesting to think about.

+ Hey, I just realized I will be driving through Indiana this weekend. I need to keep my eyes peeled for a snowglobe. Indiana has eluded me so far, but victory will be mine this trip. I can feel it.

+ Here's something lame: When I read about the bandom news yesterday my first thought was, "Oh, the bearded lesbian and his boyfriend are staying together. That's nice." Bandom has infiltrated even MY subconscious, you guys. IT MUST BE STOPPED. (And no, that does not mean you can request bandom comment fic. Well, I mean, you could, but I wouldn't be able to write it. I am not secretly fangirling them when no one's looking, despite appearances to the contrary.)

series: paris, fic: sk, commentfic, requests, fic: csi, series: deadliest au, fantrips, fic: bones, scenes from the library

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