I feel as though I shouldn't even be posting because I am not going to say anything about bandom

Jul 06, 2009 18:41

Not that I don't feel for the bandom people on my flist who are currently mourning/gnashing teeth/raging against the machine/what-have-you. It's just that my own RPS fandoms, as you know, are weird and obscure and of interest to only a handful of people. Even in FPS I've never experienced a total fannish calamity*, unless you count the time George Eads got himself 'fired' from CSI. Ah, the good old days.

15919 / 15000 words. 106% done!

As you can see, not much progress was made over the weekend. Okay, no progress was made over the weekend, in spite of the three-day Deadliest Catch marathon. I watched a lot of it, I just didn't write about it. Also this weekend I:

+ went to the annual Kids What Were Adopted From Vietnam picnic, where I chased my niece and nephew around the splash park and missed the chance to hang out with innerslytherin and severity_softly. Sorry, guys! Hopefully next time I'll have my phone on my person when you try to reach me.
+ avoided all three gentlemen with whom I am communicating on match.com. That shit takes a lot of mental energy. I needed a break.
+ cleaned my house in preparation for leaving town
+ watched way too much reality TV
+ thought about but did not work on any of my kink bingo prompts
+ lamented my lack of an iPhone, which probably has an app that tells you where every Starbucks on your roadtrip is located. That would be the best app of all time.

Really I am just here to complain about the fact that for some reason, even in this vast age of instant information, it is nearly impossible to find out how much money you're going to need for tolls when you're driving in the United States**. Al Gore invented the internet ages ago, people! Shouldn't there be a centralized 'map my route' site for tolls? I think I have it figured out, as long as I add half an hour to my trip and avoid Chicago altogether, but there could be hidden tolls along the way. Guess I'll find out on Friday!

Speaking of which, I am leaving Friday for my (sorta-)annual fangirl trip. I'll have internet access, but history says you probably won't hear from me while I'm gone. When I come back there will be new ink (and pictures, if I manage one that doesn't showcase my freakishly large arms too much) and possibly fic planned in a semi-drunken state. The entire Deadliest AU and the Deadliest Catch RPS obsession were born during last year's fangirl weekend, after all. And we weren't even drinking at the time.

* There was that whole Rory Cochrane thing too, but not that many people really cared much about that fandom either, at least not the canonical part.
** I have not checked other countries, but maybe it's a problem there too.

big bang, i should have a dating tag, fantrips

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