I finally caught last week's episode last night. I know, I know. It's been a really long couple weeks. Anyway, it was totally worth the wait just to see Josh's stupid face when he announced the second annual mohawk party, because it's clear he knows exactly how stupid he looks with a mohawk, and it's clear he was thinking, "Oh, God, my boyfriend is going to laugh ALL SUMMER over this." Which was worth it all on its own, but then Jake had an attitude adjustment because he almost died, and it was almost kind of sweet. If I wasn't so devoted to Jake/Josh I would be writing angsty fic about Jake's crush on Edgar and how it is so completely doomed (just like Matt's crush on Edgar.) Thankfully there's Josh, so I don't have to write that, because hello, depressing.
You know what I never noticed until last night? Josh's 'do rag during the credits. Oh, Josh. You will never, ever be Gangsta, no matter how much you try. It's cute, you gigantic dork, but it's not fooling anybody. My only defense for not noticing until last night is that I never watch the credits. I don't watch half the show, to be honest, because I'm usually multi-tasking, which is why I miss details on all my shows and other people have to fill me in on canon. It's pretty lame, I know. I'm just not a dedicated enough fangirl these days.
Oh, Josh. I less-than-three you so much. Trying to take care of your baby brother and getting nothing but grief for it. He and Jake Anderson are both having a really horrendous season, which is going to make for a disgusting amount of hurt/comfort fic pretty quick here, I'm not even gonna lie. I haven't actually written any of it yet, but I've been thinking about it. How Jake whines about Edgar and the rest of the crew and how he feels like he doesn't belong, and Josh listens and commiserates and agrees that it sucks, even though he sort of thinks maybe Jake should stop telling Edgar to fire him, because he'd probably regret that in the end. And finally Jake remembers to ask how Phil's doing, and Josh lets loose about how worried he was about his brother and Murray and how weird it was without Phil, and Jake doesn't have the self-awareness to feel bad for bitching about a perfectly good job, but he knows how to make Josh feel better, which is what matters. And he lets Josh take care of him, which is really all Josh wants out of a relationship, so they compliment each other.
Currently I am working out how they can sneak in a little time alone just to bitch about the horrendous season after the crab's been counted. Maybe over beers in a dark corner of the bar where everyone goes to drink after the season's over, and they can't touch in public so you could cut the tension between them with a knife, but maybe their knees are pressing together under the table, or their fingers brush together when Josh brings them another round. And that just makes it worse, really, but they keep doing it anyway because it's something, and they're not going to get any time alone together for at least another day. Which is when Jake starts thinking about how they're going home to different places, and that's pretty stupid, considering they spend all their time together when they're not fishing anyway. He doesn't say anything, but he's thinking about it, and it makes his miserable season seem just a little less miserable after all.
Man, I am so gross and sentimental. It's disgusting. Good thing I don't care!
Seriously, you have NO IDEA how stressed out I have been over the lousy season the Cornelia Marie's been having and what it's been doing to poor Murray. I know it's long over and done, but that doesn't help me stop stressing about their sad little faces while I'm watching. Ugh. Show, you are bad for my blood pressure.
Best thing about the Wizard: Lenny. I am so sad to see him go, I really am. Keith never deserved his loyalty, though. Fucking Keith.
I really can't believe we're into Opis already. This show is just not long enough. And yet, I am so super-stressed all season that it's sort of a relief when it's over. Will have to console myself with between-seasons porn this week.
You'd think all this obsessing over the show would mean I'd written a lot of my big bang fic already. You'd be wrong, I'm sorry to say. I'm starting to hit a groove, though, I think, so I'm sure I'll be cruising right along any day now. It could totally happen.