random thoughts randomly thunk

May 23, 2009 17:03

I've been watching episodes from seasons 2 and 3 in an attempt to get this big bang fic straightened out. Why I am worried so much about canon I cannot say, but if I don't get it right it'll just bother me until I do, so I might as well get it over with. I'd forgotten a lot about the first few seasons, I suppose because I watched seasons 1-3 pretty much all at once during one of the marathons, I think? I can't even remember, it's been so long.

Seriously, the time line for this show is so convoluted I have to, like, draw a diagram to keep it straight. All for one stupid fic! No wonder I haven't written this part of the universe before now. I did manage to salvage the 1300 words I've already written, though. I think. A solution came to me while I was at the hairdresser's. Of course, I still haven't figured out how I'm going to get to 15,000 words, but considering the time line I am forced to work with, I don't think that's going to be a problem for long.

Things I am reminded of after re-watching a few episodes:

+Blake is still a tool. I'm so glad we don't have to see him anymore.

+ Josh's pointy ears! Aw. Keep that shit covered up, BB. You'll get frostbite.

+ Boys are kind of drama queens. Say what you want about girls, then watch a couple episodes of this show and get back to me.

+ Keith is saved from me hating everything about him by his kids singing the crab song and doing the crab dance at the beginning of every season. He's still the queeniest of the drama queens, however.

Oh geez, I forgot about the part where Jake Harris pulled out his own tooth with a pair of pliers. I understand why you'd do it, but it's sort of a last resort. Take a lesson from Jake, kids: see your dentist regularly.

It seems like Jake Anderson's been on the Northwestern so much longer than he has. He doesn't even show up until halfway through season three, as the fifth man during Opi season. Which means the current season is only his second full season on the boat. Crazy. Also, according to Mike Rowe, he's younger than I originally read online. I thought he was 29, but if Mike is to be believed, he's actually 25. Which makes him two years older than Josh, not six. This is why I never write RPS. It's way more confusing than fictional universes. Keeping facts straight about real people is hard work, yo. Especially when you're dealing with a 'fandom' that is mostly made up of non-fannish people who just like the show, and don't really care to obsess about who's older than who and by how much, and how long they have been doing what in their careers. Obsession: it's important to fandom! My life would be easier if I wrote bandom fic, I guess, but that is never going to happen, so I'll just have to make do.

I read somewhere the other day that he didn't even want the job on the Northwestern, but one of his uncles and a few of the deckhands (who he fishes salmon with in the summers) kind of strong-armed him into it. Sig didn't seem to want him much at first, either. And now look how far he's come in just a couple years. Well, those hissy fits he's been throwing this season are a bit of a step backwards, I suppose. But he hasn't been a greenhorn as long as I was thinking, so maybe he does just need to shut up. (I still love you, BB! And so does Josh.)

Also, Murray's aged a lot in the past couple years. Not that he looks bad; my crush on him is going strong. But the pressure of stepping into the captain's chair seems to have taken a lot out of him, and I forget until I see him in early seasons and it takes a second for me to recognize him. Poor Murray. I love how he takes care of Jake and Josh when Phil's not around, and I love the way he totally acts like Phil's fishing season wife. (And I mean that in a completely non-slashy way, so if you get any ideas, I don't want to hear about it.)

Anyway, all of that made me think about the Deadliest AU and how Avery would fit into this whole world. I think on his crew, Avery would be the stoic, quiet one. He'd be willing to learn, but not puppy-eager the way Jake is. They'd still razz him because he's the greenhorn, and that's what you do, but he'd just take it all and not say much because considering what he's been through, this is nothing. Not that he's unfriendly; he joins in on conversations during meals and rare downtime, but he can't say much about his real background, and keeping up an elaborate fake background is difficult, so he opts to shift the conversation to other people as much as possible.

It's clear he's hiding something, but he's a hard worker and he doesn't screw up much, so the crew doesn't worry too much about what his secret might be. And eventually, if one of them sees Brett picking him up at the end of the season and figures it out, they choose to overlook it, because again, he works hard and he's never brought his lifestyle on board. What they don't know, of course, is that Avery being gay is pretty far down on the list of secrets he keeps.

I've also run three miles today and gotten my hair and my eyebrows done, lest you think that all I did all day was watch Deadliest Catch. Though, okay, I mostly just watched Deadliest Catch. But now I have to go babysit, so no more fish stories for me. Well, at least until bedtime.

big bang, deadliest au, deadliest catch, rps

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