"boredom: the desire for desires"

Feb 09, 2009 12:07

It's Monday. There's not a single thing going on at work this week; the class I was supposed to teach is canceled due to lack of interest, and my one big project has been put on hold. I'm not making progress on any of my current writing projects, fannish or otherwise, so consider this an open call for ficlet requests. Give me a fandom or pairing and a prompt of some variety and I'll see if I can materialize some fic for you.

Requests are limited to fandoms I know, but not necessarily fandoms I write. They're open until they're closed, because I'm arbitrary like that.

Unrelatedly, I have had a painful spot (like a bruise) on the knuckle of my left middle finger for awhile now, and today I noticed it's developed a lump. My internet diagnosis is either a ganglion cyst*, or arthritis. Super. I have a doctor's appointment on the 27th, so I guess I will find out then.

(This weekend I went looking for a long, preferably multi-chaptered, satisfying Hot Fuzz fic that I haven't already read. Once again I came up empty. Of course there are recs all over my friends list every day for long, multi-chaptered fics in fandoms that leave me cold. If people would just write what I want to read, I wouldn't have to write so much. Conclusion: Life continues to be unfair.)

* Of course the last time I was diagnosed (by an M.D.) with a ganglion cyst, it turned out to be a tumor. One of my coworkers lost a finger to cancer years back, so there's always that too. Personally, I'm hoping for "pottery wheel-induced injury". I'll keep you posted.

series: pancake, veritas, pact, requests, series: deadliest au, csi, criminal minds, suicide kings

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