Sunday morning ramble

Feb 08, 2009 09:51

I'm trying out a new layout. (I've been considering a custom Wendell/Hodgins banner, but my coworkers are always looking over my shoulder and that would probably get their attention more than one of the LJ styles. Still, it's tempting. Not that I am any good at that sort of thing.) I'm also trying out this Wendell icon as my default for awhile. Usually I don't use fannish icons as my default because they never last that long (see that Spencer reading icon as the latest example), but I think this one might. Look at his little smile! And the head injury! Which is how I feel ninety percent of the time, so it works on several levels!

Man, you guys. The last time I felt this way about a pairing was Speed/Tyler. And you know what happened there. (Though let's hope it doesn't end the same way as that pairing, because I don't think I can take that again.) I just want to crawl inside the universe and live there for awhile, which is exactly how I felt with Speed and Tyler. People thought I was crazy with that pairing (and if you don't believe me, I am pretty sure there's evidence on LJ somewhere), but they just made so much sense to me. Speed needed someone to make him start living again, and Tyler was the only person on the show who was up to the job. And okay, a lot of Tyler's personality was my invention, necessarily, but that made it even more satisfying to write.

I feel exactly the same way about Wendell/Hodgins; somebody asked me the other day what my rationale was, and outside of 'Hodgins needs to be loved like this', I really have nothing. Nothing! There's not even that much canon for Wendell, and though I'm sure there will be more eventually, I'm (obviously more than) okay with filling in the blanks. And of all the grad assistants, Wendell's come the closest to being capable of filling Zack's shoes in Hodgins' eyes, and just the look on Wendell's face when Zack comes back in 4x05 tells us that he knows what feelings were there for Zack, and it bothers him.

Obviously he knows how the team feels about Zack because it's always 'Zack this, Zack that', but he's the only grad assistant who's really...jealous, I guess? That doesn't feel like the right word, exactly, but I'm going to trust that you know what I mean. He wants to fit in like that, to have the camraderie he sees around him, and he starts to a little with the experiment in 4x11. Then he joins Booth's hockey team (I realize that was just the writers being lazy, but wow, I want to know the backstory behind that -- did Wendell see an opportunity to get closer to the team and take it? Did Booth approach him because he'd talked hockey with the kid before? I refuse to believe it was a cah-rrrrazy coincidence, no matter how much disbelief the writers try to get me to suspend), and by the time we get to 4x13, he's starting to feel like he fits in there. As he should, because, well, he fits in better than anybody else, frankly.

And Hodgins likes him in a vague, 'you are not as annoying as most of the people I deal with' way, and it's easy to develop a crush on a guy who makes you take a picture of him holding a bag of dead fish, right? It's just like Tyler developing a crush on Speed and just kind of admiring him from afar until he finally sees an opening and takes it. So Wendell takes an opening with Hodgins' vague, mostly polite interest in hockey, and just like Speed, Hodgins finds himself on a date before he realizes it. Though to Speed's credit, a) he had dated guys before, and b) he knew Tyler's intentions before they went out.

Still, there are a lot of parallels. Just like there are tremendous parallels between Morgan/Reid and Nick/Greg (and the fandoms, if I am delving that far, which I don't really want to), which explains my love/hate relationship with both those pairings. But that's probably a whole different post, and I have to go work out in a few minutes.

Today is my last pottery class, and I'm sort of glad? I mean, I still like it, but I don't really feel like driving all the way out there. It'll be nice not to have something scheduled right in the middle of the afternoon every. single. Sunday. I have to work next Sunday, and the weekend after that I'll be in Florida visiting my parents, so I still won't have a completely free weekend for awhile, but I am sort of ready for this class to be over with. Today we're learning to glaze, which I get to practice on my two weirdly shaped little lumps of 'art'. I have some more pieces to trim and fire, which I was going to do yesterday, but I couldn't bring myself to drive all the way out there two days in a row. So I will stay late today and do that, and then maybe next weekend I'll go up and glaze them.

Whatever. I mostly just resent that it's the end of the weekend already and I don't feel one bit rested, nor do I feel like I got a single thing done this weekend. And I haven't watched the movies Peacoat recommended, and he's going to ask me about them, and then I'm going to have to pretend I have a life which prevented me from watching.

The worst part of all this is not having written much at all this weekend, and knowing I won't really have time today. It's my own fault for wasting all of yesterday on icons, yeah, but still. I need more hours in my weekend.


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