curtainfic is my kryptonite

Feb 04, 2009 21:07

I am just posting a link to the bestest, most awesome comment fic of all time so that I never, ever lose it.

I just...I am in love with Wendell and Hodgins and the perfect family Liz and I have created for them. I foresee a lot of curtain fic in my future. I feel like I should apologize, but I love it too much to care.

So, you know, feel free to ignore this. I just wanted to make sure I had a link.

ETA: I just realized that I linked to a locked post in cinderlily's journal, and I hate it when people do that, so I apologize. But I really do want to save that conversation, because Wendell singing to Hodgins has suddenly become a very important part of our canon.

Liz: Today I was picking up Moo and they were singing these songs and dancing around and I had this adorable image of Wendell being a total goof while cooking dinner with Alex and Hodgins walking in to find them. I almost texted you about it but it was too long and rambly to fit in a text so here is a perfect place to say it. :)

Me: OH EM GEE LIZ. I want to see him singing 'collard greens' and 'spaghetti' in his stupid Southie accent. I want him to slide around the floor in his socks while Alex laughs and laughs, and I want Hodgins to lean against the doorframe and grin at him until Wendell looks up and realizes he's got a bigger audience than he realized.

Then I want him to blush and get flustered and threaten Hodgins' life if he ever tells anybody about this, and instead of answering Hodgins will just cross the room and grab his stupid face and kiss him so hard. And when he's done he'll look at Wendell and say, "I really, really love you." And Wendell will blink and say "I love you too." And then he'd smile that shy smile he still hasn't gotten over even though they're raising a kid together.

And she's still watching and giggling because now her dads are both dancing around the kitchen and how's she not going to grow up to be the happiest kid on the block with a family like that?

Liz: WOULDN'T IT KILL YOU?! I mean, seeing Moo do his little back and forth head nod dance was cute enough but the idea of Wendell like wiggling his butt back and forth and pretending that Alex was going to sing along even though she just kind of looks at him when he pauses after "Hey Victor!" and blinks her big blue eyes at him and then the last time he does it he hears Hodgins do it instead and he is like a deer in a head light.

And he still hasn't gotten over even though they're raising a kid together. made me actually say the word, "SQUEE!" over and over again. Cause they are. And it is so sweet I might die. And she is the happiest kid on the block, until she hits about 11, when she wants to die cause her parents are such GEEKS and so IN LOVE and OMG do they HAVE to make those faces at each other when they are in public? Someone from school might see and parents being in love is so GROSS.

Me: Ahahahahaha and all her friends think her dad is SO CUTE and she wants to die every time they say it, because OMG EW THAT IS HER DAD. And it's gross enough when he's kissing her other dad in front of them, like that's even necessary, but when they make those eyes at each other in front of her friends she wants to move away and change her name.

But when she's three, she just likes to watch her dads dance around the kitchen and laugh and laugh, and when they finally stop because they're not as young as they used to be, and those kids' songs take a lot of energy, she shouts for more until finally Wendell gives in and starts all over again, with the hand movements and everything.

And someday Jack's going to get the whole thing on film, even if he has to get one of those nanny cams to do it. It'll be one of those videos that never leaves the safe in the bedroom, of course, but he wants to save this moment so he never, ever forgets how he feels about this man in this moment, right now.

And to think he'd almost missed his chance for this kind of happiness by only dating women for thirty years.

Liz: EXACTLY! And just like the picture that Wendell has of Jack holding the dead fish, Jack has a picture of Wendell at like four in the morning in his pj bottoms holding an almost asleep one year old Alex and pretending to dance with her to some old song. (Which he snapped when Wendell wasn't watching.) And he keeps it hidden cause he feels kind of like a dork, but it is the moment it really truly hit him that not only was he in love with him but that he couldn't imagine his life any other way than like that. (I am really sappy today, sorry. Hormones... TOTAL OVERLOAD, plus I want to picture Wendell doing the baby dance.)

And in the car, especially on long car rides, she pleads, "SING DADDY! SING!" And Hodgins thinks its the funniest thing of all time because Wendell is TOTALLY wrapped around her little finger and makes up silly songs and sings Laurie Berkner and she laughs and laughs.

And to think he'd almost missed his chance for this kind of happiness by only dating women for thirty years. *sigh* Can I just say how much I love you? Seriously. I love you.

And remember when you said you wanted to curl up in this universe and just rest a while? I am totally doing that right now. Curled up on my couch, wrapped up thinking about Wendell and Hodgins being silly domestic goof balls who are pretty quiet about their relationships in public but at home are dorks and happy.

Me: And then, when they get wherever they're going on their car trip, and they put an already sleeping Alex down for the night, and Hodgins teases Wendell in whispers about what a pushover he is and how hoarse he must be from singing all day, Wendell pulls him close and waltzes him slowly (because Jack made him learn how to dance so he'd fit in at the stupid Foundation parties) and sings silly love songs to him in a low voice until Jack can't take it anymore.

I am curled up in this universe right now too. It is my happiest of happy places, and I will never stop loving it. Also, I want to see that picture of half-naked Wendell dancing the baby, damn it.

Liz: OH WENDELL SINGING TO HODGINS. I might die from essentially the cute alone. And Jack would blush, to the tips of his ears. And the dance lessons, oh lord. Jack had to have taken them because his parents made him but Wendell fought taking them for YEARS even though he was a boxer and everyone would say that it would help but he would pretty much do anything for Jack (though he would never say that as that is way too cheesy for him to say out loud ever). So he learns, but only if Jack will teach him. Jack would clear out all the furniture in the over sized living room and put on the simplest waltzs he could find and taught it to him in really slow lessons (far slower then they needed to be, but he liked the excuse to have full access to hold him/touch him and it was early enough in the relationship that he NEEDED permission) and only laughed a few times, even though Wendell stepped on his feet a ridiculous amount.

"You were a boxer, shouldn't you have better foot work?"

And finally Wendell calls defeat and signs up for lessons with out telling Jack cause he doesn't want to look like a total fool and surprises him by really busting out the moves at a foundation dance. Which makes it so Jack makes up a lame excuse to take him home and "thank" him.

And yea. Damn me and my inability to draw, cause I have a perfect picture in my head. He is in draw string grey sweat pants, and his hair is all messed up and Alex has on footy pajamas that are covered in big fat lady bugs that Booth got them cause he thought it was funny. ("Get it, cause you catch bugs, and you will have to catch her?")

Me: (The Booth interjections are one of my favoritest things about this universe, just so you know. He would be weirded out, but then totally accepting, and then Wendell's sort-of-unwilling confidante because they're on the same hockey team and they know all the same people. Poor Booth.)

Oh, God. Jack teaching Wendell to dance. I think I just died a little. I am making a sound in my head that even dogs couldn't hear, I am not even kidding. My heart is going to burst.

I think Wendell thinks his singing voice is awful, but he loves to rock out to 80s metal bands, and Jack caught him singing along to Boston (of course) once and for some reason he seemed really into it. Like, *really* into it. And that was weird, but hey, Wendell's not proud. So he tries singing to Jack again one time, just to see what happens, and Jack throws himself at Wendell again.

So it turns out Jack's got a thing for being serenaded, and Wendell's willing to overcome his feelings about his voice if it's going to get him laid, so he takes to singing to Jack. And then it becomes sort of a thing between them, kind of a shorthand 'I love you' and 'I still think you're hot' and 'just wait until I get you alone' that he can do even when the kids are around, just to drive Jack crazy.

Also, he likes when Jack's ears go all pink. It makes them feel hot against his tongue.

Liz: (I have this image of Sweets getting overly concerned of how Booth was going to react to the whole thing and setting aside a special moment in a session and yea, Booth isn't ENTIRELY comfortable with it but then he gets all defensive about it. "It doesn't change Wendell being Wendell, alright? And I have always thought that Hodgins was weird, but at least now he isn't like moping around anymore. So whatever, they are together. That is fine with me." And Brennan would pipe in with something like, "Its good to know that you aren't falling into the macho stereotypes that the military gives you." And Booth would glare. I love Booth something fierce, so his voice is quite often in my head. I am glad you like it though. :))

And OMG BOSTON. OF COURSE! And Wendell would pick like random songs, sometimes romantic and classic (like Rat Pack-y stuff, or even 80's hair band love songs like, "Be with You" by Mr. Big) and then other times he would choose the most RANDOM song he could think of just to see if it works. (Which, surprisingly enough, most of the time it does. Just not when he sings Britney Spears or girl pop like that. Then Hodgins doesn't talk to him for like an hour.)

MY HEART IS GOING TO BURST TOO, CAROLINE. And on my tombstone it will read, "Here Lies Elizabeth Michele J, who died of squee." ♥


I can't stop laughing. Fucking Britney. But yes, he knows the complete works of Sinatra because his mother is such a fan, and he knows a lot of Elvis for the same reason. And sometimes, just to make Hodgins laugh, he'll sing one of Alex's favorites from The Wiggles or Lazytown (my nephew is OBSESSED right now, he has a thing for backpacks), and even though Jack's laughing, he sings the Entire. Fucking. Song.

It's worth it, though, because sex is even more fun when they're laughing the whole time, and when Wendell's kissing his neck and starts singing against his skin it sets Jack off all over again. I am picturing them just grinning at each other like a couple of dorks, totally naked and turned on but breathless with laughter and and and...♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Times infinity.

Liz: You may have my headstone. It is all yours, as you are the one who FILLED me with the squee. ;D

And oh lord, I might make a "Wendell sings this in the Car" Mix cause I am that level of dork and it would amuse me. So you know. Your fault. This is also me avoiding writing which WON'T COME OUT.

Laughing sex is by far the best ever, cause if you can't have fun with it than what is the point? I mean all the movies where it is so serious always take me out of the moment, cause I mean, hello. Sex is kind of funny. Noises happen. Faces are made. Hair gets in your face, or tickles your neck and you HAVE TO LAUGH. Its funny! ;)

And I heart ♥ times infinity back! :D

fic: bones, bones

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