today I feel: just a little bit crazy

Dec 19, 2008 06:29

Note to self: No matter how bored you get a work, try not to go poking around in old CSI fic. I wrote a lot of porn in that fandom.

Speaking of which, I wrote 1000 words of CSI fic yesterday, but it's like pulling teeth and it's not even close to done. I know what *happens*, I just can't seem to get the characters to do it. Maybe today will be better. Also, I have all these great scenes in my mind for my Criminal Minds AU, but I can't come up with a beginning. That really is the hardest part. It's scientifically proven. Or something.

Sometimes at night, when a good line or scene or whatever comes to me after I've gone to bed and I don't want to get up to write it down, I use the notes function on my phone to record it so I can remember it later. Then I forget it's there for awhile, until the next time I'm poking around on my phone and I find the last thing I saved. I had a really good idea for a Criminal Minds fic the other night, apparently. Now I just have to figure out where to fit it into my series.

But I digress. I'm supposed to be posting music. Just one song today, but it is a good one. I've always loved Christmas Don't Be Late, but I really could live without ever hearing the voices of Alvin, Simon, or Theodore ever again. So I love Powder's cover because they stay pretty true to the original, but they take out the annoying. Win/win.

Powder -- Christmas Don't Be Late (The Chipmunks Song)

Whoa. Harsh. I felt sorry for Eugene and his attitude again this week. I think I am just giving him a pass because I think he's cute. Same with Jamie. She sucks and she's a whiner, but I can't help liking her? It's because she's pretty. I am Stefan lame. I wish Leah would stop embarrassing herself, though. Girls like I shake my head. I hope her boyfriend didn't have too much invested in their relationship.

advent calendar, music

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