advent calendar and Criminal Minds

Dec 18, 2008 06:24

Confession: I am a little in love with The Jonas' Brothers' "Love Bug". But why the talking on the album version, Jonas Bros? That's lame. The Disney video version is better. I am also digging Britney's "Womanizer". I fear for my own sanity, frankly.

Having said that, today's song is not by Britney or anyone named Jonas. It's Merry Christmas Baby, in three versions:

Elliott Yamin -- Merry Christmas Baby
Melissa Etheridge -- Merry Christmas Baby
Stevie Wonder & Wyclef Jean -- Merry Christmas Baby

My favorite is Elliott's for sentimental reasons, but the most interesting is the Stevie/Wyclef collaboration, obviously.

OMG REID AND MORGAN WITH THE BABY. I can hear cinderlily exploding from here, and she probably hasn't even watched the episode yet. LIZ, IT'S LIKE THEY MADE THAT SCENE JUST FOR YOU. Good God, that was cute. And Derek totally touched Reid. Okay, he pushed him out of the way to get to the baby. But that just shows how comfortable they are with each other.

Dear J.J., I miss you so much. Please come back soon. I read yesterday that she'll be back in February, episode 4.14 to be exact, so only three more episodes with the lame new girl! Hurrah. I mean, she's kind of a narcissist. Sure, feel bad about a case going bad, but don't make it All About You. I am probably judging her harshly, but whatev. I don't deal well with change, I think we all know that by now.

Anyway! This episode was pretty good. The guest stars were awesome, particularly Mitch Pileggi. Though I am always happy to see Gina Torres, and she was way cooler on this show than she was on Bones.

Plus, they gave us the Morgan/Reid navigation-while-high-speed-chasing scene, and that was awesome. I like to think that afterwards, when they were back home and the adrenaline was just a memory, that Morgan teased Reid about being lousy at navigating, and Reid complained that he can't navigate while someone's driving like a maniac. But there was clearly trust and total communication in that scene and it was lovely. It could be I am just hopped up on antihistamines and a little loopy, but I could totally see the love.

Also, when Reid talked into the walkie-talkie all authoritatively with the bossing the cops around and stuff, that was way hot. Morgan thought so too, you could tell. I need an icon of Reid with his gun and the Sex Vest. Or possibly one of him and Morgan and the BABY.

All my shows are done until January. I guess I will just have to fill my empty hours with fic. Hahaha I'm totally lying. My mom's staying with me from Friday until after the new year; I'm not going to have any time to write.

criminal minds, advent calendar, music

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