Entertain me!

Nov 29, 2008 13:40

It's raining here today, which puts a crimp in my grand plans to get any yard work done. So my yard will have to remain the worst in the neighborhood for another day. Chances are the little dent I would have made in the mess wouldn't have improved my standing anyway. My mom comes to visit again next month, though, and I think she will probably stay with me at least part of the time, so I am planning to make her help me get my yard under control. I'm sure she will be thrilled to hear it!

It started raining as I was in Home Depot's garden section, trying to figure out where they'd hidden the fresh wreaths. I finally found one, and it rang up as less than advertised, so that's nice. It's now hanging on my door with my Christmas stocking door hanger. It looks a little something like this. That picture's from last year, but it's pretty much the same. I am nothing if not predictable when it comes to the holidays. I would put up lights, but I have no outside power source. True story! My uncle the electrician is supposed to hook me up one of these days, but it's not really that high on my list of priorities.

Before that I went to my sister's house to work out. Today was a spin day, which means we watch HGTV without the sound on her big screen while she leads us through a spin class set to horrible music that was popular when she was a regular spin instructor. Today there was a show on which I have never heard of before called "Over Your Head", hosted by Eric Stromer of "Clean Sweep" fame. I have even written a little ficlet about him before, I am ashamed to say. So imagine my surprise when his helper monkey turned out to be none other than Josh Hammond, aka Dan from The Brotherhood. Whose character, of course, I have also written fic about. It's a small world. Josh had terrible poser facial hair and it took me a little bit to recognize him without the sound, but I looked him up and it was definitely him. I'd say it's nice to see him working, but according to his IMDb listing he's been pretty busy. Good for him. Here's a picture of him being all handy, though you can't see his atrocious facial hair very well. Or, if you're really bored, they stream full episodes. Though I doubt anyone cares about Josh Hammond sightings but me.

I am a little too amused by random fandom sightings; it's true.

I am feeling maudlin for no real reason! Failing at Nano for yet another year is part of it. Also, I spent a lot of time yesterday going through old fic and organizing*, and revisiting the past does weird things to your mood. Or maybe it's just me. Whatever! I should probably keep up the momentum while I have the time and I can't escape outside to do yard work instead, but just thinking about tackling the BWOC section makes me a little weepy. I think the real problem I am having is the fact that going through old fic reminds me of all the unfinished projects I still have hanging around, and that makes me feel bad about myself.

The remedy for all of this, of course, would be to work on some of those unfinished projects, but I'm having a little trouble with writing momentum right now. So here's what we'll do: tell me what you want to read. Be as detailed as you want and I will see if I can hook you up with some comment fic. Maybe it will jump-start my writing process again after a week of illness. Maybe it won't! But it's a rainy Saturday and I have no intention of going anywhere else today even though I need to grocery shop because I only ate 900 calories yesterday and the situation in my fridge is rather dire, so it's worth a shot.
*Fandoms that are currently posted in full: Brotherhood I, II, III, CSI, CSI: Miami, The Day After Tomorrow, The Faculty, The Forsaken, JAG, Lost, The Mighty Ducks, Sky High, Touching Evil, Veritas, Without a Trace, and Xena. This excludes currently unfinished series which probably will not get finished. The fic directory is always at the top of my journal. Let me know if you find it confusing, because I have been staring at it too long to be objective.


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