It's official: Rick Astley wins at life

Nov 28, 2008 12:39

So hey, you know what turns out to be harder than it actually looks? Organizing fic on LJ. Sure, tags are great and all, but the way I, I make everything so much harder on myself. Series and sequels and little unnamed-yet-related ficlets...good gravy. It's all very circular and that's just the fic that's already posted. The stuff that never got posted in the first place is going to take even longer.

But! I finally got around to organizing my CSI fic, mainly because that is my biggest fandom and I wanted to get it over with. Also because a lot of it was already posted, so there wasn't as much backdating to do as there will be in, say, DMOC. Some of my small fandoms, such as Veritas and Touching Evil, can make do with a simple fic: 'name of fandom' tag, because there aren't that many of them. But the big fandoms need a lot of organization. I used to write too much fic! So anyway, if you've got a second, take a look at my Big Backdated Post Of CSI Fics and let me know if there's any way I could better organize things to make them easier to find:

CSI Fic Directory

Needless to say, I spammed my own journal with like, half the CSI fic I've ever written last night. There's only one missing, I think, some PWP called "Sunglasses At Night" (way to choose a lame title, Caroline) that I can't recall writing, have no recollection of, and can't find anywhere. I can still load my entire fic archive locally since I still have all the html files, but for some reason that particular file doesn't exist. The link is there, but the actual fic is not. So I don't know what happened to it, and unless for whatever reason someone saved it, I guess it is gone forever. Knowing me I have written the exact same fic five more times, though, so no big loss. Turns out I had it posted the whole time, it just wasn't titled. Oops!

I'm also not really sure what to do about all those untitled ficlets I write and then never do anything with. Linking to them makes them easier for me to find, which I sometimes need to do, but giving them names or descriptions just seems like too much work. Does linking to untitled ficlets seem too lame? Because it's going to happen in every fandom I've ever written in.

Today I was going to try to talk myself into going to Target because they have seasons one and three of The Office for really cheap, but then I found them on Amazon for the same price with free shipping, so I don't have to go out into retail hell! Hooray! I'm still not feeling that great, so I imagine any attempts to venture into that madness would have ended with me in tears in the middle of, like, the vacuum aisle. Oh, that reminds me, I need vacuum bags. Anyway! The point is I don't have to go out, so I can spend my whole day uploading old BWOC fic. Or maybe even writing something! Which would be a Thanksgiving miracle, frankly, especially considering there is a Deadliest Catch marathon on all day today.

I hope everyone who celebrated had a nice Thanksgiving. I spent my day being thankful for chubby baby fingers and the fact that I don't have kids of my own. And my sister made delicious, delicious Panettone stuffing which I couldn't really taste. Hooray for being sick on Thanksgiving! It's actually a tradition for me, so hooray for that too.

ETA: The Miami Fic Directory is complete too! That one was suspiciously easy.
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