Ficlets: The Forsaken, BWOC, Suicide Kings

May 16, 2007 11:53

Again, in honor of the late Mr. Falwell, have some hot boy on boy action. Now with actual action!

I. Nick/Sean, The Forsaken. Requested by dancinbutterfly, who I believe may have also supplied the prompt that forms the 'plot'. It might have been somebody else, though. It was awhile ago. Didn't turn out as porny as I planned, but there is porn. Rachel, I'm sorry there's no mention of Hot Fuzz, but there is that pet name you like, and talk of movie watching, so it's close.

Obligatory disclaimer: I know nothing about how the porn industry works, or how trailers are made. I just make stuff up for a living.

Sean was a visual guy. Nick knew that much by the amount of time he spent talking about movies, making references to stuff Nick was pretty sure he should recognize, but didn't. He'd never cared much about watching someone else's fantasy play out in front of him, and after he was bitten...well, a lot of stuff seemed even less important after that.

But Sean had said from the start that he was into movies, and that didn’t change after they found Nick’s Forsaken. Not that Nick really minded, because Sean was doing his thing, and that was cool. It was cool that he’d gotten another dead-end job cutting trailers for some low-budget movie house, because for as much as he bitched about it, he obviously dug it.

What wasn’t cool were the DVDs he kept bringing home.

And it wasn’t so much that he was cutting trailers for pornos -- though the fact that there were trailers for pornos was something Nick still hadn’t wrapped his brain around -- but the fact that he kept bringing home stacks of really raunchy shit. Straight, gay, bi, there was a little of everything, and Nick hadn’t found a single vanilla sex scene in any of the DVDs Sean had made him watch yet.

Most of it was bondage, but there was some freaky goth bloodletting shit too, and yeah, Nick could take a hint. He only had to be hit over the head with it so many times before he figured out that Sean was trying to send him some kind of message. The only problem was that Nick had no idea how to tell Sean that he wasn’t into that freaky shit.

Sure, the occasional blindfold or handcuffs he could get behind. He understood the need to let somebody else take control every once in awhile, especially after spending almost two years right on the edge of losing it. But he’d always thought their sex life -- that whole almost-vampire thing aside -- was pretty normal, and he liked it that way. He liked sucking Sean off and then fucking him, liked holding him afterwards and waking up sweaty and plastered together in the middle of the bed. He liked just lying on the couch making out like a normal couple, and now that he was normal again…well, that was pretty much what he was looking for in their relationship.

But Sean obviously wasn’t on the same page as him, because he brought home a new stack of movies every weekend and Nick was pretty sure if he had to sit through one more spanking scene he was going to scream. So maybe it was going to cost him the best thing that had ever happened to him, but when Sean walked into the apartment and set another stack of movies down on the counter Nick couldn’t stop himself.

“Sean, man, we’ve gotta talk.”

“Okay,” Sean said, and Nick had seen him look like that a million times when they were in some strange diner and he was sure every guy in the room was Nick’s Forsaken. He hadn’t seen that look since they got back to L.A., though, and Nick could tell this conversation wasn’t going to end well.

“I can’t take this anymore.”

“Can’t take what anymore?” Sean asked, eyes kind of wide like he hadn’t been expecting this. And of course he hadn’t, because Nick had been playing along for weeks. He liked Sean enough to put up with a lot, but it turned out he had a breaking point.

“Look, we have a good time together, right? I mean, things started out a little weird between us and all, but it’s good now, right? Normal.”

“So what, you’ve got a problem with normal?”

“No,” Nick said, letting out a frustrated breath and maybe he should have thought about what he was going to say before he opened his mouth. “That’s the whole point. It’s been a long time since I had any normal in my life, you know? And I like it. I like just hanging out, I like fucking you and I like arguing with you about whose turn it is to do the dishes. But this stuff…”

He trailed off and picked up the DVD on the top of the pile, glancing down long enough to read the title. He winced and set it back down again, running a hand through his hair before he looked at Sean again.

“Wait a second,” Sean said, shaking his head like maybe if he tried hard enough this whole conversation would go away. “Are you breaking up with me because of my job?”

And he wasn‘t sure what Sean‘s job had to do with it, because yeah, that was where he got the porn, but even if he cut trailers for Disney movies he could still get porn at the video store. “I don’t want to break up with you, Sean. I’m just telling you that I can’t give you that shit. If that’s what you want, I’m not your guy.”

Sean could have had a lot of different reactions to this conversation. He could have tried to convince Nick to give it a try, that maybe he’d enjoy it if he just let himself. Or he could have freaked out and started listing all the weird shit he’d done for Nick, like killing people, for example, and Nick wouldn’t have been able to argue with that. Or he could have cried and begged Nick not to go, promised he’d forget all the bondage and try to be happy with what they had. Things could have gone in a bunch of different directions, but the one Nick hadn’t bargained for was Sean laughing in his face.

“What’s so funny?” he asked when Sean kept laughing, and now he was starting to get pissed. Because a minute ago he’d been worried about throwing away the best thing -- the only thing -- in his life, and now Sean was laughing like it didn’t matter.

“I’m sorry,” Sean said, but he was still laughing and he didn’t look all that sorry about it. “It’s just…I can’t believe you thought I was trying to hint around about letting me tie you up.”

“Being tied up is nothing compared to some of this stuff,” Nick pointed out. “I mean, I know we both had the whole bloodlust thing going for awhile, but that went away when I got cured. At least it did for me.”

“Jesus, Nick,” Sean said, but he wasn’t laughing anymore. “I don’t bring these movies home because I’m trying to send you some kind of signal. If I wanted something I’d just ask for it.”

And now he was just confused, because they watched a lot of porn and if it wasn’t to send him some kind of message, he wasn’t sure why Sean was torturing him. Unless torture was his kink. “So what’s with all the porn, then?”

“Look, I’m way better than cutting porn trailers, but ditching my last job the way I did closed a lot of doors for me. This was the only place that would hire me, and they’re not just giving me all the freaky shit, but a lot of it. There’s way more work than I can get done during the week, especially since I have to watch the movies and pick out the best scenes to cut into a trailer. I don’t get off on it, I’m just trying to keep up so they don’t have an excuse to fire me.”

“So all these movies you keep bringing home…”

“I have to cut trailers for all of them. If I watch a few of them at home on the weekend, it means less overtime during the week. That’s all. Once they see I’m not some fuck-up they’ll ease up, and then I won’t have to bring this shit home with me anymore.”

“Oh,” Nick said, and now he just felt kind of stupid. The worst part was that this was all sort of his fault, because if Sean hadn’t come chasing after him he wouldn’t have lost his other job in the first place. “So you don’t get off on any of it?”

“Well, some of it’s okay,” Sean answered, smiling as he dug through the pile and Nick couldn’t believe how close he’d come to fucking this up for good. “There’s one in here that doesn’t look half-bad; they must have missed it when they were sorting all the weird stuff to go to me. I saved it so we could watch it together.”

And he was right; the mock-up cover on the DVD case was two guys who actually looked normal, with no leather or sex swings in sight. One of them was even kind of cute, but that was probably because he looked a little like Sean.

“Jesus,” was all Nick could come up with. He was pretty lousy at this whole relationship thing to begin with, but he had no idea how you apologized for accusing your boyfriend of having a bondage fetish. “Baby, look…”

“Just tell me you’re not breaking up with me,” Sean said, serious now and Nick’s heart actually skipped a beat. His fucking heart, and if Sean knew how far gone he was he wouldn’t even have to ask that. “I won’t bring this shit home anymore if you don’t want me to. You don’t have to watch it with me, but if you don’t want it around I’ll keep it at work.”

“Nobody’s breaking up.” Nick took a few steps forward, stopping in front of Sean and reaching up to run his thumb along Sean’s jaw line. “I don’t care how many movies you bring home, as long as you’re not expecting me to do any of that shit.”

Sean shook his head as Nick leaned in, pressing their mouths together for a soft kiss. When they came up for air Sean was grinning sheepishly at him, and Nick couldn’t help smiling back. “What?”

“So none of that stuff at all?”

“Well, I could get behind a pair of handcuffs, maybe a couple toys,” Nick said, fingers tracing the flush that crept up Sean’s neck when he said it. “But I’m not into pain. Or leather.”

“That’s okay,” Sean said, arms sliding around Nick’s neck to guide him back toward the bedroom. “I can work with that.”


II. Tommy/Merton featuring Merton possessed by a banshee. Requested by navisx. Possibly not what you were looking for. Again, only borderline porny, but we're getting there.

There were advantages to this whole ‘predicting death’ thing. They still weren’t sure how Merton had picked up the ability, though Tommy had a feeling Merton wasn’t working that hard to find a cure. And okay, aside from the fact that it made Merton feel good to have a special power all his own, it was sometimes helpful. Tommy had prevented a few deaths since it started, and he never would have even known about them if it wasn’t for the fact that Merton had somehow gotten himself possessed by a banshee. Or something.

And the Grim Reaper was probably pissed at them again, but Tommy wasn’t afraid of him anymore.

So there were advantages, but there were also times when it was kind of inconvenient. Tommy couldn’t say he ever enjoyed the shrieking, but when he was on his knees with his mouth wrapped around Merton’s cock and a finger pushing inside him, that high-pitched wail was the last thing he wanted to hear.

“Damn it,” he muttered under his breath as he pulled away, wiping absently at his mouth with the back of his hand. Because the timing was about as bad as it could get, but he wasn’t going to let some innocent person die just so he could get off. And really, if this was the Grim Reaper’s way of getting back at them for messing with his schedule, Tommy had to admit he was doing a pretty good job. “Okay, who is it this time?”

“W-what?” Merton stuttered, eyes still sort of glazed over and he really did look good like this. Still, it wasn’t worth someone’s life, right? Well, maybe someone really old. Or someone Tommy didn’t really like. “Why’d you stop?”

“What do you mean, why’d I stop?” Tommy asked, sitting back on his heels to look at Merton. “You made that noise again. You know, the whole banshee ‘wooo’ thing?”

Tommy waved his hands in the air to illustrate, rolling his eyes when Merton kept staring at him like he’d lost his mind. “Look, just tell me who’s about to die so I can go save them and get it over with. Then we can pick up where we left off.”

“Nobody’s about to die,” Merton answered, and now he just looked confused. “At least not that I know of. If I made a noise it was just because what you were doing felt good. Really, really good. Seriously, Tommy, I don’t know how you do it, but if you wanted to get back to doing it right now that would be great.”

And it just figured that Merton would make the same noises during sex that he made when he was heralding the death of a mortal. Another one of the Grim Reaper’s jokes, probably, because the universe wouldn’t be that cruel when Tommy had vanquished so many of its bad guys. At least he didn’t think it would. Then again, the balance between good and evil was more Merton’s area of expertise.

“Fine,” Tommy said, hands on Merton’s knees as he slid close again. “But try not to make that noise again, okay? It’s really distracting.”

“Whatever you say, T…oh, God.” Merton trailed off into a moan that sounded way too close to that noise, and Tommy knew there was only one thing he could do about it. He pushed himself off the floor to crawl over the other boy, pushing Merton back onto the bed and kissing him hard. He slid one hand under Merton’s knee, pushing his leg back toward his chest and it was a good thing Merton looked so good when he was like this, or Tommy wouldn’t put up with all the other stuff.

“You’re doing something about getting rid of that thing inside your head, right?” Tommy asked, pulling back long enough to fix Merton with his best ‘I’m serious’ glare. “It’s a cool power and all, I know. But I can’t take the shrieking.”

“I’m working on it, honest,” Merton said, though Tommy was pretty sure he was lying. “I promise I’ll do whatever you want. Just please can we get back to this first?”

Merton’s hand landed on his back to tug him forward, and when Tommy’s cock slid against Merton’s skin he bit back a moan of his own. He leaned in and caught Merton’s mouth against his again, murmuring his answer against Merton’s mouth. And sure, they could finish this before they found a cure for Merton. It had been three weeks since the whole banshee thing started, after all, so he could live with it for another hour. Maybe two.


III. Brett/Avery, mutual masturbation of the 'it's just a guy thing. No, really' variety. Requested by duckduck. (Michelle, I hope this works for you. You're right, it's tough to pull off in this fandom.) This one is full-on porny. Too bad it's a fandom hardly anyone reads!

Avery wasn’t actually reading the book in front of him, unless you counted scanning the same paragraph six times as ‘reading’. But it was still pouring outside, and lying on his bed with a book propped in front of him gave him a perfect excuse to watch Brett.

Not that Brett was doing much of anything except pacing back and forth in front of the window, staring out at the rain like he could will it to stop just by thinking hard enough. “Jesus, this is boring,” Brett muttered, running a hand over his scalp and Avery peered over his book long enough to watch long fingers slide through blond hair. “This is the worst fucking weekend on record.”

“So do something,” Avery said, shifting his attention back to his book when Brett looked over at him.

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. What do you do when you get bored at home?”

“Jerk off,” Brett answered, still looking at Avery like he was waiting for a reaction. And he got one, but Avery wasn’t about to let him see. He kept his gaze locked on his book so Brett wouldn’t see him blush, taking his time turning the page before he answered.

“Go ahead then.”

His face flushed even brighter as he said it, and there was no way he was going to look at Brett. He wasn’t even sure why he’d said it; he’d pictured it often enough, sure, but that didn’t mean he wanted to see it. Except that he did, and he wasn’t sure whether he was more terrified that Brett would actually go through with it, or scared that he wouldn‘t.

“What, you wanna watch?” Brett asked, and if Avery didn’t know him so well he would have missed the slight waver in the other boy’s voice.

“No,” Avery answered, still very carefully not looking up because as soon as he did Brett would see just how much he wanted. “But it’s not like I haven’t heard you before.”

And he was obviously going crazy, because there was no way he was saying this stuff. There was no way he was trying to talk his roommate into jerking off right there in front of him, but he could hear the words coming out of his mouth and he couldn’t stop them.

“You listen to me jerk off? That’s fucked up, Avery.”

“Your bed’s ten feet away from mine,” Avery pointed out, and this time he did look up. As soon as he did he wished he hadn’t, because Brett was staring right at him with this look on his face that Avery had never seen before. It was…unsettling, intense and hot and Avery felt his cheeks turning red again. “I mean, it’s not like I was trying.”

Brett didn’t answer; instead he sat down on his own bed, gaze still fixed on Avery and his hands sliding up and down his thighs. Avery couldn’t tell if he was trying to be seductive or if his palms were just sweaty, but he was pretty sure it didn’t matter. Because Brett was touching himself while he looked at Avery, and that had to mean something. Like maybe Brett was trying to decide the best way to kill him. Not that it mattered, because Avery was pretty sure he was going to die before dinner, one way or the other.

He was still just sitting there, hands moving on his thighs and watching Avery like he was waiting for something. Then he leaned back on his bed, settling against the wall and planting his feet far enough apart to make Avery blush again. “What the fuck are you reading, anyway? You’ve had your nose stuck in that book all day.”

“Some book I found in the library,” Avery answered, finally closing it and pushing it aside. “It’s about time travel or something.”

“Sounds fascinating,” Brett said, sarcasm clear in his voice and it was even weirder looking at him now that there was no book between them. “So you’d really just sit there and read while I…”

“I can go read somewhere else if you want me to,” Avery offered, though that was the last thing he wanted to do. Or maybe it was exactly what he wanted to do; he wasn’t even sure anymore, because he had no idea how this started and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know how far Brett was willing to take it.

“No,” Brett answered, shrugging and glancing down at his knees before he looked back at Avery again. “I mean, I‘m not gonna kick you out of your own room.”

Avery grinned at that, a nervous sort of laugh bubbling up in his throat and he had to swallow hard to keep it from escaping. And this was bad, because Brett was his best friend and they definitely shouldn’t be doing this. Not if it was just going to be one of those guy things that you did and then never talked about again, because there was no way Avery would be able to stop thinking about it.

Not that he’d never seen Brett’s cock before. Even if they weren’t roommates, there was still the field house after lacrosse practice and the showers in the dorm. Multiplied by the number of years they’d been friends and Avery had seen Brett naked…well, a lot. More times than he wanted to count if he stood any chance of holding onto his last shred of sanity, especially while Brett was still looking.

It was probably a mistake to sit up while he was hard, but Avery pushed himself into a sitting position anyway, back against the wall and feet planted on his mattress in a mirror image of Brett. He still wasn’t sure what they were doing, but there was no point in pretending he wasn’t paying attention anymore, not after he’d practically dared Brett to jerk off in front of him. And his own cock was so hard that he ached to touch it, but there was no way he was giving in first. If he did and Brett was just messing with him…well, he’d have to change schools, and he wasn’t sure how he could explain that one to his father.

If he stopped and thought about how this must look he’d get up and run, so he didn’t think about it. Instead he watched Brett’s hand slide down his thigh, all the way from his knee to the space between his inner thigh and his cock. His fingers lingered for just a second at the top of his leg, then they slid back down to rest on top of his thigh. Just resting there, like Brett was waiting for something. It took Avery a few seconds to figure out what it was, but when he did he blushed and slid his own hand along his thigh.

A shiver rolled through him when he brushed his thumb against the side of his cock, and he held his breath until the wave of desire passed. Because there was no way he was giving in first, no way he was giving Brett the chance to laugh and call him a fag or a pussy or any of the dozen names Brett had reserved for guys like Avery. Only Avery was starting to think Brett was one of those guys, because his hand was moving again and this time it didn’t stop at the top of his thigh.

Brett’s fingers splayed across his crotch, squeezing his cock and his eyes closed as his head fell back against the wall. And now Avery was really watching, because he’d always wondered what Brett would look like when he lost control. He’d never seen Brett out of control before; even when he was fighting he was always in control, but this…this was something new. Brett’s lips were parted and his hand was moving rhythmically, fingers squeezing in the right spots and when Brett moaned Avery couldn’t hold back any longer.

Only Brett was wearing khakis, and Avery had put on jeans this morning, so it wasn’t the same. The denim was thick and frustrating and finally he gave up and popped open the button, sliding the zipper down and pushing his hand inside. Past rough denim and cotton underwear to squeeze his cock, because if this was the closest he was ever going to come to having sex with Brett, he wanted to feel it.

Avery bit his lip against a moan, fighting to keep his eyes open so he could watch Brett and jerk himself off at the same time. And it wasn’t fair, because in his dreams Brett was always the one doing the touching, but Avery wasn’t above taking what he could get. Because they could still write this off as just a guy thing, just something to do on a boring Sunday afternoon. Only they both knew better, and when Avery looked over to find Brett watching him he was pretty sure this wasn’t just a guy thing.

Brett’s hand was moving slower now, and as soon as Avery looked at him he let go long enough to work open his own pants. Only instead of reaching inside he pulled his cock out, rubbing his thumb over the tip and letting Avery get a good look before he started stroking again.

And it turned out Avery was pretty easy, because that was all it took to push him over the edge. His orgasm took him by surprise, and he didn’t even bother trying to avoid getting come on his jeans. His t-shirt had ridden up at some point, and warm come hit his stomach and coated his fingers as he stroked through his orgasm. And he knew he should be embarrassed, because Brett was still watching him, but it was hard to care when Brett was arching a little harder into each stroke until finally he moaned and came in his own hand.

Come hit Brett’s shirt, and he leaned forward and yanked it over his head so he could use it to clean himself up. So now his best friend was mostly naked and still sitting opposite him, not quite meeting Avery’s gaze and that was definitely a bad sign. Chances were Brett was already telling himself this was Avery’s fault, that it had been his idea and he was the one who’d started it. Any second now he was going to get up and zip up his pants, then he’d walk out of the room and probably right out of Avery’s life. That was the only way this could go, really, and it wasn’t like Brett had ever given him any reason to expect otherwise.

Except that he’d always looked out for Avery, always taken his side even before he knew what the fight was about. Brett had always stood up for him, and they’d promised a long time ago that they were always going to be best friends. That shouldn’t change just because of something like this, and maybe once Brett had some time to think about it he’d realize that it didn’t have to mean anything.

That didn’t stop Avery’s heart from clenching when Brett stood up, tucking himself back into his pants and crossing the room to toss his shirt in the laundry. He rummaged in the closet for a clean one, then he crossed to their dresser and pulled out a fresh pair of underwear. “I’m gonna grab a shower.”

Avery had no idea what to say to that, so he just nodded stupidly even though Brett wasn’t looking at him. He was pretty sure it didn’t matter what he said anyway, because either way Brett was going to walk out of here any second now, and things between them would never be the same again. Maybe Brett would never even look at him again, and Avery had to swallow hard against that thought.

Sure enough, Brett was walking toward the door without looking back, hand on the doorknob and until that moment Avery hadn’t even thought about the fact that their door was unlocked. Maybe Brett hadn’t either, because he paused with his hand on the knob. Then he turned and glanced over his shoulder, fixing Avery with a gaze that made his heart skip a beat.

“Wait for me to go down for dinner, okay?”

And all Avery could do was nod, but that was enough to get a crooked grin out of Brett, so it was plenty.


bwoc, fic: bwoc, ficlets, fic, fic: sk, fic: forsaken, requests, forsaken, suicide kings

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