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girlnorth January 3 2007, 03:23:03 UTC
So continuing on our conversation from our thread, where I didn't want to say anything specific about End of Days because I hadn't put a spoiler warning in for that one....

OMG! I literally gasped and jolted up when the hand started flashing. And then the sounds of the TARDIS? Whoa. Boynorth said after that I was either scared or excited. He's behind (I just couldn't wait for him to catch up!) so I can't tell him what I'm so excited about. He did it the right way and watched all of Doctor Who before moving on to Torchwood. I started with Torchwood, so I wasn't going to wait until we finished watching DW to continue.

And the rest of the episode was sooo good and heartbreaking too. Even though I knew Jack wasn't going to die (for good), I was still on the edge of my bed seat. I wanted to smack the rest of the team for being so stupid (I know, I'm going backwards through the episode), especially Owen when he shot Jack. It would have been one thing if he knew that Jack couldn't die, but he didn't. Despite my non-love for Owen, I did feel for him though, and was glad when Jack forgave him in the end.

Okay, so I'm actually jumping around. I was gutted when Ianto smelled Jack's jacket! And then the kiss? ::swoons::

Why, why, why do we have to wait for more?!

Slays me, I tell you. This show slays me.


carolinecrane January 3 2007, 03:42:25 UTC
See, I am a little worried about the whole Who thing. I said when I saw the still of the Jack/Ianto kiss that it looked like a goodbye kiss, and now I know it wasn't, but still. Though I realize Jack will be back for the next series of Torchwood, seeing as they couldn't really do the show without Barrowman and all, I'm still a little worried about what it means for Jack/Ianto. I'm not all OMGOTP about them or anything; I can take the kissing other people on the side, etc, but I like the idea of them there for each other, someone to cling to during the long dark nights, you know.

I'm a pathetic romantic, I know. This show is killing me softly for serious.

I felt for Owen too, and I'm kind of bitter about it. I just hope this whole episode teaches him to act less like a complete bastard, because I still want to kick him.


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