Fic: (Brotherhood II, Harlan/Marcus, R)

Jan 02, 2007 20:24

Have watched Torchwood. Am utterly incapable of coherent thought on either episode. Every time I try to gather my thoughts all that happens in my brain is a high-pitched squeal. How a show can be made of THAT MUCH AWESOME I will never know. My heart was actually racing by the end, and then...and then...OMG CAN IT BE NEXT SEASON PLEASEKAITHX.

Just...Captain Jack the First and his need, the yearning to be with someone he's attracted to and not deny himself, taking the other Jack's advice and finally just going for it because anything can happen and you can't count on another chance, and it was so sad but Jack did do something for him. He let Jack be himself just for that one perfect moment, and God, it hurts to think about if you've ever felt that way, like you have to wear a mask all the time.

And then End of Days, with Owen paying for his arrogance with Jack's life, then Jack coming back and Ianto breaking my heart in a million pieces when he buried his nose in Jack's coat, and it's like something out of fic, but it was so perfect. I don't even care anymore about the inconsistency of Ianto/Jack, because I just love them SO MUCH. ♥ ♥ ♥ a million times. But then the end, and Jack leaving them all behind, and I hear we have to wait absolutely AGES to see Jack and the Doctor what happens, and I want Jack to see the Doctor again, but I want him to go back to Ianto too and...oh. My heart can't take this kind of fannish excitement, it really can't.

When am I allowed to use my Ianto coat-sniffing icon? I don't know the fannish rules for these things. It's not even a very good icon, but it'll do until someone on the comms makes a better version.

I can't talk about it anymore until I watch 1x12 and 1x13 11006436564363 more times. Here, have some more fic.

I happened to be going through some old LJ posts today, sort of randomly looking for inspiration on my 'write something every day' mission, and I stumbled across this ficlet. "Huh," I said to myself. "That's just crying out for a sequel." So I wrote it. Harlan/Marcus, Aftermath missing scene, detention. Rated R for innuendo. You really need to read the first ficlet to understand the second, but that's up to you.

When they finally did make it to class they were both hopelessly wrinkled and Marcus had actually lost his tie somewhere in Harlan's car. But it didn't really matter, because they were already pretty much guaranteed detention for being late, so being out of uniform didn't make that much difference.

And it was worth every second of the week they spent in detention, because every time Marcus thought about that morning in Harlan's car he knew he'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. Besides, sitting in detention meant he had Harlan's undivided attention, at least when the teacher in charge wasn't busy glaring at them for making her stay after school.

Every time she turned back to her paperwork Harlan glanced over at him and smirked, and even that was great, because when Harlan looked at him like that it felt like they had a secret. Which they did, except that anyone who saw them show up to class late, wet and disheveled and blushing - well, Marcus was blushing, anyway - probably knew exactly what they'd been up to.

But they hadn't been there, so it was still a secret - sort of - and Marcus liked having a secret only he and Harlan knew about. He liked the way Harlan grinned at him like he was the only one who got the joke, and he liked that he could grin back and Harlan would know exactly what he was thinking.

They'd been doing a lot of that during the past three afternoons of detention, stealing glances and sharing smiles because they weren't allowed to talk to each other. And it was a little weird, sitting so close without being able to talk, but it was kind of fun too. Marcus liked the anticipation, liked knowing that Harlan was thinking about the moment when they got out of here and they'd finally be able to touch.

He was trying not to picture exactly what would happen when they got out of detention when something landed on his desk, and Marcus glanced automatically toward the front of the room as his hand reached out to cover the wadded up piece of paper. When he was sure their teacher hadn't noticed he pulled it carefully into his lap and unfolded it, swallowing hard when he saw the words I want you printed on the middle of the page.

Marcus folded the paper back up as quietly as possible and stuffed it in his pocket, eyes on the front of the room to make sure their teacher wasn't looking before he glanced over at Harlan and mouthed the word 'how?'

He blushed as he said it, the tips of his ears burning and when Harlan smirked Marcus knew he'd noticed. Harlan didn't answer, and when he turned back to the front of the room Marcus knew he wasn't going to get an answer right away. He glanced at the clock and swallowed a sigh when he realized they still had twenty minutes left before they could get any privacy. And it was one thing to share a secret with Harlan, but sitting right next to him and not being able to touch was torture.

Another piece of paper landed on his desk, and Marcus looked up again as he covered it with his hand. Either their teacher was oblivious or she just didn't care what they were doing, though, because she didn't look up. Marcus pulled the paper into his lap and unfolded it carefully, swallowing hard as he read what Harlan had written.

On your knees, it said, printed carefully in Harlan's neat handwriting.

Marcus tried not to react, but when he glanced to his left there was Harlan, watching him with that look and Marcus could tell he was picturing it. Marcus was picturing it too, dropping to his knees and reaching up with shaking fingers to pull Harlan's uniform pants open. He could smell Harlan, feel those strong thighs under his fingers and Harlan's hands in his hair, guiding him to the perfect angle for Harlan's shallow thrusts.

He cleared his throat and looked back at his desk, forcing the image of sucking off Harlan out of his mind. Instead he pictured icebergs, and when that didn't work he tried to think of girls. Only the first girl he pictured was Trini, and then all he could think of was Luc's hands sliding along John's skin as John fucked Trini.

And that wasn't helping at all, so he closed his eyes and let himself picture Harlan anyway. Harlan leaning in to kiss him in his car, rain pounding against the roof of the convertible and Harlan's fingers stroking the side of his face almost tenderly. That was what had landed them in detention in the first place, but it was definitely worth it if Harlan was going to kiss him like that.

His eyes snapped open again when he felt something hit him in the chest, and he looked down to find another piece of paper resting in his lap. He picked this one up without looking at Harlan, unfolding it as quietly as possible because he had no idea what would happen if their teacher caught them and made him hand over Harlan's notes.

He shoved the second one in his pocket before he read the third, heart pounding in his chest as he read the words over and over.

Stay with me tonight.

On a weeknight, and yeah, he'd spent plenty of nights at Harlan's place, but always on the weekend. Harlan had never taken him home on a weeknight, and Marcus wanted to believe that meant something.

Well. What it meant was that Harlan wanted to fuck him, but Marcus had a feeling that wasn't all it meant. And even if it was, he could live with that. He folded the third note and tucked it carefully into his pocket before he glanced at Harlan, nodding almost imperceptibly before he turned back toward the front of the room.

He could feel Harlan's eyes on him, knew they were both thinking exactly the same thing and he thought he'd crawl out of his skin by the time their hour was finally up. When their teacher dismissed them with a bored wave of her hand he stood up, not even daring to look at Harlan as they crossed the room and shut the door behind them.

As soon as they made it outside he headed straight for his dorm, still not looking at Harlan because he knew if he did they'd never make it back to his room, let alone Harlan's house. And he really, really wanted to be at Harlan's house, all alone in his room with his big bed and no one around to interrupt them.

"Just let me grab my stuff," Marcus said when they finally reached his dorm, venturing a quick glance at Harlan. Just long enough to see him nod, but he saw the tense set of Harlan's jaw and knew Harlan was just as eager to be alone as he was. And that was new, because he was used to Harlan being the collected one, the one who never lost his cool or got nervous about anything. Then again, he didn't seem to be nervous so much as focused, and that thought sent a shiver up Marcus' spine.

He unlocked the door to his room and pushed it open, but before he even had time to make sure his roommate wasn't there he was being pulled backwards and turned around, pushed up against the door and covered in Harlan. Marcus' arms slid around Harlan's waist, fingers digging into his sides and just holding on while Harlan kissed him. Long and slow and thorough, less urgent than Marcus was expecting but hot all the same; hotter, maybe, because Harlan was kissing him deliberately, like he was trying to prove a point.

Or maybe he'd just been thinking about it for as long as Marcus had, because when he finally pulled away he was flushed and his voice was kind of rough. "Get your stuff," he said, fingers unclenching from Marcus' clothes with an effort.

Marcus nodded and let go of Harlan long enough to shove his toothbrush and a change of underwear into his backpack along with the homework he had a feeling he wouldn't be getting done tonight. He started to turn and follow Harlan out of the room, but just before he did he remembered the notes still crumpled in his pocket.

"One second," he called over his shoulder, waiting until Harlan stepped into the hall before he reached into his pocket. He pulled open the drawer in his nightstand and tucked the notes inside, hoping Harlan wouldn't notice as he shoved them to the back of the drawer and closed it again.

And if he did ask why Marcus was keeping them, maybe Marcus would finally work up the courage to tell him the truth. He wasn't positive yet, but he had a feeling Harlan might even understand.


I miss this universe a lot. I have a feeling there will be more of these little Harlan/Marcus ficlets during my Year of Daily Writing experiment.

torchwood, series: aftermath, ficlets, fic: brotherhood ii, brotherhood

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