Fic: Abeyance (Suicide Kings, Brett/Avery, NC17)

Dec 08, 2005 14:46

Title: abeyance
Fandom: Suicide Kings
Pairing: Brett/Avery
Rating: NC17
Summary: Christmas break in a ski lodge. Two boys, one hotel room. It's more sentimental than porny, but Brett was feeling kind of emo. Go figure.
Author's note: This is part of those cabin fics I was talking about writing last week. I'm sort of out of the mood at this point, but hey, at least I finished one of them. And maybe I'll get back in the holiday spirit before the holidays are actually over.

They don't see much of each other these days. Mostly because of college, and the fact that Avery's all the way down in fucking Princeton with no car, so if Brett wants to see him he has to drive down there and deal with Avery's roommate. Who, granted, isn't as bad as Ira, but it's close.

So he's been looking forward to this trip for a long time, because even though all their friends will be there during the day, at night it's just the two of them. Just them and a big bed in a room they don't have to share with two other guys for once, and he's been scraping together all the cash he can just to pay the hotel bill.

It's worth it when Avery follows him into the room, dropping his bag on the bed and glancing over to flash a nervous grin in Brett's direction. And it's weird that he's still nervous, even after all this time, but it's kind of cute too, so Brett doesn't mention it. Instead he crosses the room and sets his own bag down on the luggage rack, dropping the room key next to his wallet on the bedside table.

Avery's sitting on the edge of the bed now, waiting for Brett to make the first move and there's a part of Brett that wants to keep him waiting. Just to see how long he'll be able to stand it before he does something for once in his life, but that means Brett has to wait too, and he's already waited long enough.

They didn't see each other over Thanksgiving break, because Avery's father got some bug up his ass about having a big 'family' dinner that mostly involved pretending they all got along and Avery's mother wasn't a drunk long enough for his old man to impress a bunch of investors. After that it was finals, and Avery was so busy he barely had time for a phone call here and there, let alone an actual visit. So Brett had kept his distance, kept his sights on Christmas break and by the time he drove down to pick Avery up from school he was in pretty much a constant state of pissed off just from waiting so long.

But as soon as Avery slid into his car he started to relax, and by the time they got to the ski lodge he wasn't thinking about all the time they'd spent apart. All he was really thinking about was the next seven days, all of them spent with Avery and yeah, the rest of the guys would hit the slopes with them, and there was the casino and the bars, but once they got back to their room it was just them.

Like it is right now, and Brett's not planning on wasting any time this week. He wants to make every moment count, wants to remind Avery of all the reasons they've stayed together this long so when he's back at Princeton and up to his ears in homework he won't forget why he still makes time for Brett.

Not that he worries about it much. They've known each other forever, after all, and no matter how many new friends Avery makes at school, he still comes home for every break and he still makes time for their trips to Atlantic City and the annual ski trip. But every once in awhile, when Avery calls to say he doesn't have time to see Brett over the weekend or mentions a name Brett doesn't recognize, it makes him wonder. And Avery's always sorry when he has to cancel at the last minute, but that doesn't help much when Brett's back in New York and Avery's all the way down in Jersey.

He's not thinking about that now, though, because Avery's looking up at him with that mixture of anticipation and fear, like maybe he's worried that Brett's the one who's going to change his mind about them. Like that could ever happen. And he wonders why Avery doesn't get that yet, but he's never been all that good with words, so instead of telling Avery how he feels he shows him instead.

The first kiss is slow, Avery's legs parting to let Brett press closer, hands on Brett's hips and Brett's fingers sliding into Avery's hair. It's longer than he remembers, but Avery's mouth feels familiar against his and when he lets out a needy little moan Brett's cock twitches in response. It doesn't take long for Avery to get over the shyness, fingers flexing against Brett's shirt and tugging like he's trying to get Brett even closer. And this is the way he likes Avery best, needy and too turned on to worry about being self-conscious.

"Stand up," Brett says, voice thick with want and Avery shudders as he obeys. He reaches for the buttons on his shirt without waiting for Brett to tell him, reaches up to tug his tie open and Brett can tell he's too turned on to think straight. Which is exactly how Brett wants him, so he reaches out to help with Avery's buttons, pushing his shirt off angular shoulders before he tugs Avery's undershirt out of his pants. Runs his fingers over warm skin, watching Avery shiver at the touch and pushing forward to kiss him again.

He's pretty sure the others are already on their way to the slopes, bags abandoned in their rooms and they know better than to wait for Brett and Avery. This is just as much a part of the ritual as the rest of the week; they meet at the hotel, say their hellos and catch up a little before they check in, and then Brett and Avery disappear for the rest of the afternoon. Sometimes they don't even surface until the next day, and if anybody thinks anything of it, they haven't said anything to him.

Not that he'd care if they did, because the rest of the year is filled with classes and parents and roommates and long, boring drives on the turnpike, and this week is pretty much the only time they get to themselves. Even in Atlantic City the hotels are so fucking expensive they have to cram everyone into the same room, and that means even less privacy than they get down in Avery's dorm.

So it's important to spend time catching up, way more important than hitting the slopes on their first afternoon at the resort. In fact, if Brett had his way they'd spend the entire week right here, and most of the time he's pretty sure Avery wouldn't mind either. He knows it wouldn't happen, because Max and T.K. would bitch about it, and Ira…he doesn't even want to think about Ira's reaction. But still, it's a nice thought, and Brett makes a mental note to blow off their friends as much as possible this trip.

He takes his time peeling off their clothes, hands skimming across as much of Avery's skin as he can reach. Avery's flushed already, familiar pink staining his skin and Brett loves that he still has this effect on Avery. That he still blushes even after all this time when Brett takes a step backwards and takes a long look before he puts his hands on Avery's shoulders and pushes him back down onto the edge of the bed.

Avery's eyes go wide at that, just for a second before Brett drops to his knees and then Avery's eyes darken and flutter closed. He lets out a moan at the first brush of Brett's lips against his cock, hips pressing up instinctively and Brett's hands land on his waist to hold him down.

And it's funny, because he's been thinking about this moment for a couple weeks now, pondering all the things he wants to do to Avery and jerking off to the images. Avery who will go along with pretty much anything Brett comes up with, because he's always followed Brett's lead and this is no different than any other part of their relationship. But now that Brett's got him alone, all he really wants to do is make Avery feel good.

He wants to make him blush even harder, make him moan and beg for more. He wants to kiss all the places on Avery's body that make him crazy, make him thrust up against Brett in a frantic search for more and harder and now. He wants to make Avery forget to be self-conscious long enough to ask for what he wants, remind him why they're so good together so when Avery goes back to school he won't even think about questioning what he's still doing with Brett.

Avery's hands are in his hair, tightening just enough to let Brett know that he's already pretty far gone. Brett's mouth is moving on Avery's cock, slow at first and then building speed as Avery struggles to thrust up against him, and there's a part of Brett that wants to let Avery fuck his mouth. But there's another part of him that wants to make Avery wait, make this last as long as possible so Avery will be thinking about it for the rest of the week.

His hands are pressed against Avery's thighs now, fingers pressed so hard against him they're leaving white impressions in his flushed skin. And Brett likes the idea of marking Avery, leaving something behind so that every time Avery looks at it he'll know they belong to each other.

As soon as he thinks it he's pulling his mouth off Avery's cock, ignoring Avery's disappointed sigh and surging up to press his mouth to Avery's neck. His hand closes around Avery's cock and he strokes roughly as he sucks hard at pink skin, thumb teasing the tip of Avery's cock with each upstroke until Avery tenses against him and comes.

He keeps stroking slowly until Avery relaxes, mouth still moving on his neck and Avery's craning into the sensation, hands on Brett's shoulders and chest heaving with the effort to catch his breath. One last kiss against the mark on Avery's neck and Brett pushes him backwards, back hitting the mattress with a soft thud and Brett crawls over him to press their lips together again. He kisses Avery hard this time, and Avery's arms slide back around his shoulders to pull him even closer.

Brett thrusts unconsciously against Avery's thigh, cock trapped between them and it's been a long time since he came just from this, but he thinks he probably could. Because it's been way too long since they had a chance to do this, too long since they so much as kissed and Brett's tired of late night phone calls, of hanging up still hard and jerking off to the memory of Avery's mouth and hands and his legs wrapped tight around Brett's waist.

And he wants everything, all the scenarios he's been dreaming up for the past few weeks. But he's already too far gone to ask Avery for anything, and when a hand slides between them to close around his cock he chokes back a sob of relief. Thrusts hard into Avery's grip, mouths still pressed together and Brett breaks the kiss to push himself up far enough to look down at Avery.

When he does his heart clenches hard in his chest, because Avery's looking up at him with those wide eyes and his hair's falling across his forehead, lips wet and full and parted just a little. And he doesn't look nervous anymore, but he looks sort of…awed, like maybe he wasn't expecting this to happen. Which is crazy, because it's all Brett's been thinking about for weeks, and there's no way he was going to wait a second longer than absolutely necessary to get Avery alone.

He thrusts into Avery's grip again, eyes fluttering closed at the tight ball of pleasure in the pit of his stomach and a few seconds later he tenses and comes. His arms give out and he collapses on top of Avery, grinning breathlessly at the muffled grunt from underneath him. "Sorry."

He punctuates the apology with a kiss somewhere in the vicinity of Avery's collarbone. A hands slides into his hair and he looks up to find Avery watching him, smile a little shy and Brett's heart clenches all over again. "It's still early. We could probably get in a few runs before dark, if you wanted."

And that's not what Brett wants to do at all; what he wants is to stay right here with Avery with no chance of interruption for as long as possible. He feels his features harden and pushes himself up a little, disentangling himself from Avery just enough to pull away if that's what Avery wants.

"Do you want to?"

"No," Avery answers immediately, not even hesitating and Brett has no idea if it's because Avery knows that's what he wants to hear or if it's the truth, but he's willing to take it either way. So he leans in and presses another kiss to the corner of Avery's mouth, and when Avery pulls him close Brett knows he meant it.

"Good," he murmurs against Avery's mouth, punctuating the word with another kiss, and that's as much talking as he's planning on doing for a long time.


And while I'm here, I told duckduck that I would try to come up with some cowboy!Henry Thomas icons where Henry's actually recognizable. So these are really just for her, but if anyone else is a closet Henry fanatic, step up and be counted. I sincerely doubt anyone else will be interested in these, but on the off chance it needs to be said, duckduck gets first dibs.

This is the best of what I could find online from All the Pretty Horses. I don't have a copy of the movie because a) Matt Damon and b) I don't like animal movies as a general rule, so I had to scrounge around on Google Images. I did find a decent b&w version of that one shot, so all was not lost. I give up on the color version. The lighting is impossible.

These are caps I made from Dead Birds, in which Henry plays a murderous confederate deserter/bank robber:

And this last one, because it makes the Brett in my head all fluster-y. I have to admit, I've never found Henry attractive, but this picture makes me see what Brett sees:

It's the facial hair. Makes him look all growed up. In fact, if you don't want this one, I will probably use it. Henry looks a lot how I feel about work most days.

icons, fic, fic: sk, suicide kings

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