Fic: Foolproof (The Forsaken, Nick/Sean, NC17)

Sep 21, 2004 12:50

Title: Foolproof
Fandom: The Forsaken
Pairing: Nick/Sean
Rating: NC17
Summary: Sean takes what he can get.
Warnings: Movie spoilers, although all you really need to know is that it's a vampire movie in which vampirism is compared to AIDS in a lot of really unsubtle ways.
Author's note: This was brought on by the red_light_me car sex challenge, my inability ( Read more... )

forsaken, fic, fic: forsaken

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Comments 13

ruggerdavey September 21 2004, 11:57:27 UTC
*does a little gleeful dance* Fic! It's so nice to find some good fic when I've got nothing to do tonight.


carolinecrane September 21 2004, 11:59:11 UTC
Nothing to do? Isn't that, like, against the law when you're on a brand-new continent? Ah, well, I'm glad I could offer a little passing entertainment. I write so little these days that it's kind of a novelty even for me.


ruggerdavey September 21 2004, 13:28:59 UTC
See, it's fresher's week, ans despite all the mocking America gets for college students being obsessed with driking, the entire entertainment for the week revolves around dirnking. I thought I'd pass on tonight's foam party because...yeah...foam party. I'm slowly meeting the geeky people that are here - it just takes some effort.


carolinecrane September 21 2004, 13:34:54 UTC
Well I hope you're having a good time in spite of the drinking culture. Although I cannot believe any part of Europe has the audacity to mock Americans for college age drinking considering that drinking is absolutely a way of life there. At least it is in every part of Europe I've spent any time in.

But that's neither here nor there. Hopefully once school's in full swing things will be easier.


(The comment has been removed)

carolinecrane September 21 2004, 13:40:38 UTC
I always assumed that the writer of the movie got the idea from all the press in '96 regarding the AIDS cocktail, hence the comparisons. I never took it to mean that people with AIDS/HIV were evil akin to vampirism, I think he was just making the connection to blood-borne pathogens.

It's possible I'm giving him too much credit, particularly considering the slashy bent he put on the film. In the script he apparently put a lot more emphasis on the Sean/Megan connection, but he cut those parts out in the directing process. I don't know if that's because he saw that it worked better as an ambiguously gay movie or if it was a budget thing, but the missing scenes on the DVD are all Nick/Sean and this one in particular is super-slashy.

Anyway, thanks, glad you liked. And I'm sorry it was such a trial to read. That's kind of how I felt at work while I was writing it, since I was answering help desk calls at the same time.


carolinecrane September 21 2004, 13:49:33 UTC
And that should say 'all the press in the 90s', not '96 specifically. I have no idea where I got '96 from. My brain is doing weird things lately.


writingpathways September 21 2004, 17:45:18 UTC
I love Sean and Nick. And I'm just in GUH! mode about it, they are so damn hot... and I wish I could give you better feedback than this. But damn. Hot. I just love how needy Sean is and how Nick-Nick is...what is the word for Nick? Thanks for the read, and thanks to the performance review you can't seem to write tool..


wirrrn September 21 2004, 22:30:25 UTC


Excellent! I loved this... Nick/Seann car smut. I'd shower even more praise on you, but my brain is still in "Guh?" mode from the hottness.

And as for your "I hustle" comment above, I took it literally when I saw the flick too...




kbfan September 22 2004, 11:19:16 UTC
Wonderfully hot and porny and sweet all wrapped up in one. Just a great fic, loved it completely. It was good to have a bit of new Forsaken fic to read, I miss them sometimes, and the evil, evil RPS Brendan/Kerr too :)


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