So last week the police arrested three local homeless people for three separate murders. They apparently went on a killing spree in the homeless community, killing three other homeless people. They got seven dollars off one of them. But I suppose you don't really kill the homeless for their wallets.
Anyway, the police caught them when they went in to clear out the latest homeless tent city and found the three of them asleep in a tent with one of the bodies. That's just unsanitary. And stupid, because the cops always give the homeless here a heads up when they're about to clear out a squat so the homeless can gather their possessions before they're kicked out.
The only reason this is even tangentially related to the library is because one of my coworkers looked up the names of everyone involved, and five out of six of them have library cards. In an unrelated incident, we had a violent patron removed from one of our branches recently, so the powers that be are upping the police presence in the library to 20 hours a week. For our 'safety'.
Nobody ever said this was a safe job; we do work with the public, after all, and we're the last place on the planet to discriminate, basically. Which is good! But it's not without risk.
Some of my coworkers are freaking out, as though they didn't know all along the dangers that go along with dealing with strangers of varying degrees of sanity all day.
New goal: Move to NYC before October so I can go to Comic Con in the super cute costume I am planning. It could happen!