Title: A Fistful of Sky
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Finn Hudson/Will Schuester
Rating: PG
Word count: 2107
AO3 link:
hereSummary: Temptation's a lot easier to face when you don't have to do it alone. Part two of the
Private Hudson series.
A/N: For the 'substance addiction' square on my h/c bingo card. It's kind of a stretch, but whatever. Thanks to
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still, i watched the preview for the after-hiatus eps and i couldn't believe how much it seemed like your Winn stuff from DIWWCF. they're co-directing a musical together?!?! COME ON.
this is stream of consciousness now because i'm exhausted, but yeah, it does seem like it could viably happen in canon. i just have absolutely no faith in RyMurph to do something so out of the box and interesting. so i think it's more likely we're going to get more of these new cast members i couldn't care less about, and more of rachel in NY, and probably more SJP for no comprehensible reason... apparently a little mike change and mercedes at some point? but i'm guessing there will only be the barest hints of Winn.
i'm still glad there's going to be something. it says so much about Cory's winsomeness that his character still has fans and defenders given what those writers have put him through.
I think Will and Finn are best when they're in scenes together, so maybe that will temper people's rage some. I will be stanning for them, at any rate, and maybe it'll make other people a little more interested in the pairing, even if no one else ever writes any fic. (God, someone write me some fic I can read already. I'm tired of writing it all.)
So basically, yes, they can be losers in love together in Lima and I will be happy to pretend they are married even though it won't ever happen on my TV. Cory remains delightful, so it won't be *such* a hardship to watch.
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