Hi, LJ!
So at last I have good news and I can update without feeling like a debbie-downer!!
News item #1: The move is this Saturday. I'd say I'm about.... 3/4 packed? I think that's pretty good, considering the move is from a small apartment to an even smaller apartment. I CAN DO IT!!!
News item #2: After a frantic few weeks of trying to set up a
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Response #1: You're doing so well with the move!!! Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for you! Moving into a smaller space is always hard, but you can do it! 3/4 = so close! Rosie the Riveter believes in you, too!!
Response #2: Ohmygosh, yay, job! JOB JOB JOB JOB JOB they hired you because they are awesome and they know that you are awesome! And oh, wow, super munchkins -- what a switch! If you ever need some grownup conversation, I'm always around. <3 We'll talk about v. srs bsness.(I should totally get a fandom skype or something, omg.)
Response #3: It is never, ever dumping, honey. Any time, any time at all. And I'm SO beyond relieved for you that it turned out to be non-cancerous, oh my god, what a relief. Thank god, thank god, thank god. You can breathe a little easier, at least, thank god. That must be such a weight off your shoulders.
Relief relief relief relief relief
Response #4: Goodbyes are always hard, but I'm sure she's going to have an absolutely amazing time. :) Such happy news, even if you'll miss her! I remember when my 'sister'/cousin (we grew up in the same house for a long time) left to go live in England for a year. It's hard to be apart, and it's very bittersweet, but she's going to live so much in that year. <3 Yay!
Response #5: Fic! :D :D :D I love your fic. Yay! Yeah, my productivity is going to drop through the floor when September 7th hits, as well. DAMN YOU, UNI. You read my fic, haha, so I'm happy for that. <3 Thank you, hon, for taking the time despite all this shit in your life. (Is it weird that I'm kinda scared for Season 3? I HAVE SPENT MOST OF MY TIME IN THIS FANDOM DURING THE HIATUS, DON'T JUDGE ME.)
Response #6: OH. MY. GOD.
I HATE THE NEW LJ FORMAT SO MUCH IT BURNS INSIDE MY VERY SOUL. It fucks everything up. SERIOUSLY, IT FUCKS EVERYTHING UP. I spent half an hour yesterday trying to post two paragraphs with the fucking thing, aauuuugh. And it you edit old posts? It fucks that up to. I'm going to have to do everything HTML-style, for serious, because I cannot stand that new text editor. Posting anything of length -- like fic -- is basically all going to have to be html-coded by hand, no exceptions. Auuuuuuuugh.
Whew! I hope I managed to hit on everything. <3 Love you so much, my fandom bestie, and I hope that the move goes as well as humanly possible. Love and hugs across countries!!
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