Hi, LJ!
So at last I have good news and I can update without feeling like a debbie-downer!!
News item #1: The move is this Saturday. I'd say I'm about.... 3/4 packed? I think that's pretty good, considering the move is from a small apartment to an even smaller apartment. I CAN DO IT!!!
News item #2: After a frantic few weeks of trying to set up a new job in the Philly area...success!! I start setting up the classroom on the 29th and the kids start back the Tuesday after Labor Day. These are munchkin-munchkins - I'll be working with 4 and 5 year olds who have slight developmental delays. I'm more used to working with adolescents, but honestly I think it'll be a nice change of pace. Although fair warning, I will likely be starved for adult conversation by the end of the day, because there are limits to how many times 'Miss Caroline' can discuss Sesame Street and Spiderman before she goes BONKERS, so I'd watch out if I were all of you.
The only real downside to this job is that it will involve city driving since it's just far enough to be inaccessible via public transit. So I'll be keeping Mitzi** around for the foreseeable future. Oh, well - at least we're downsizing from two cars to one.
News item #3: I was having a silent freak-out (well, nearly silent - I kind of dumped everything on poor
emilianadarling last week) because I went for a physical and my doctor found a weirdly-shaped breast lump. But they've since determined that it's a 'non-cancerous phyllodes tumor.' (I'd never heard of that before, but I'll take their word for it.) It'll need to be removed surgically, but my stress levels have gone down 5000% since they told me that. I figured because of my age that it was probably benign, but my grandmother died of breast cancer when she was young-ish, so it's something I take very seriously.
News item #4: My sister left for Italy two days ago. She'll be there for a year and I will miss her so, so, so much. But I managed to hold myself together and I was able to send her off with a non-tearful: Viaggio sicuro, sorellina! Ti amo e buon divertimente!
News item #5: There is still ficcage going on - my WIP list is kind of frightening, actually - but there is obviously a lot going on between packing and the move and the new job so I have no idea how much writing I'll be doing in the upcoming weeks. SO EXCITED FOR S3, THOUGH! SO, SO EXCITED!!! :D :D I'm extremely behind on reading, writing, and commenting. I'm trying to catch up as much as I can. Just... bear with me and try to love me, anyway? And DON'T be afraid to bring things to my attention - as in: "Yo, I wrote this - READ IT, OKAY?"
News item #6: I HAAAAATE the new LJ posting. On top of the fact that it looks ugly, I can't copy and paste anything longer than, like, 2000 words from Word anymore without the html coding sending me waaaaaaay over the character limit. (Is anyone else having that problem?) The only way I can post anything of length is to physically re-type everything into LJ which is ridiculously time-consuming and confusing.
I think that MIGHT be all my news, thank goodness. :)
**An exciting footnote! Mitzi is my adorable Mitsubishi! My sister has Ellie the Elantra, my dad has Cami the Camry, and my mom has Albert the Prius (he's named for Al Gore.) Throughout the years, my family has had: an ancient Caravan (that we suspect was haunted) named 'Old Bessie,' an Oldsmobile named 'Grandpa Joe,' and a Sebring named Siddhartha. WHY, YES, WE ARE CRAZY. WHY DO YOU ASK?