Vacation is almost over

Jul 15, 2008 06:38

I just came back from spending three weeks at my dad's place. He's in the process of getting it ready for sale, so he asked me to go through stuff and if I saw anything I wanted, that one of my brother's hadn't claimed or that he didn't want himself, I could take it.

One of the most full of memories is a doll that was my grandmother's. This doll has a whole wardrobe that the ladies auxilliary at her church made--everything from swimsuit to wedding dress, and mostly fashions of the forties and fifties. I used to play with her when I was 8 to 15 years old. Her name is Cathy.

Another item that has memories attached is her set of silver--coffee server, teapot, creamer, sugar bowl, butter tray...all the accouterments. It's a bit tarnished, but once I shine it up, I'll have it displayed nicely in my living room.

I also nabbed two sets of recipe cards--one a series she ordered that has big, laminated cards so if you spill they are easy to clean. The other is all her old old recipes she picked up from her mother, grandmother, aunts, old magazines and so on. I've been having fun just going through them and remembering which ones she liked to prepare.

Mom taught me to cook early. I was maybe five years old when she gave my my own cookbook. (The title, if I remember right, was My Very First Cookbook. I got an Easy Bake Oven when I was six, and mom would let me use her batter to make my own cookies and cakes, which my brothers promptly devoured. When I was 15/16 they got me The Woman's Day Encyclopedia of Cookery (which I still have)--twenty-three volumes of recipes and cooking tips from A to Z. I've always loved puttering in the kitchen, and I'm sure enough of my skills to experiment with recipes that aren't quite what I want.

Now that I've been diagnosed with diabetes, I have an even more pressing reason to cook and bake my own stuff, so I can be sure it's something that won't aggravate my condition. My kitchen is small, but adequate, and tends to be messy as I am always doing something in there.

Also while I was at dad's I added at least 5000 words to my story I'm working on. I could have done more, but I did lots of other stuff while visiting, so I think I did well with the time I gave myself.

family memories, vacation, writing

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