Dec 02, 2009 14:53

OH. MY. GOD. Dinosaur Comics now has a SQUISHABLE T-REX GIANT PLUSH and what I want to know is WHY CAN I NOT HAVE THIS IMMEDIATELY?!?!?!?! Ryan North! Ryan North, you are so good to me. ;___♥ There was also an article about him/the comic in The National Post.

DO NOT BUY ME THE T-REX FOR A WINTER GIFT. I am going to buy it when I get paid the day after tomorrow. I could wait and see if anyone got it for me, and then buy it later if no one does, but I'm afraid that they will all be gone by then and I just can't risk it.

Hey, now that I say that, I wonder: Should I make a wishlist entry, you guys? Does anyone want me to? I mean, I know Nathan would never buy me anything I put on it because he thinks it's cheating if the person just went right ahead and told you what they want, but there are a few of you who have appreciated the help in years past. Let me know.

T-Rex is the dude of my SOUL:

In completely unrelated news, I have recently read the hi-larious Twilight parody-thing-a-ma-jig Growing Up Cullen, and it is fabulous. FABULOUS. I had to make this icon because I don't know if there is anything funnier to me at this moment that my mental image of Edward Cullen whining "NO ONE UNDERSTANDS MEEEEEEEE" with this ridiculous angry, pouty face as he presses wildflowers in the pages of his tacky, sticker-covered scrapbooks. In case I delete the icon from my account (which, let's face it: I will, and probably so I can upload more Amanda Fucking Palmer icons), here it is for posterity:

ETA: I am adding a meme because why not? I love music memes!
First! Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
Second! List (and upload, if you feel like it) 5 songs that start with that letter.
Third! Post them to your journal with these instructions.

Since I pulled this from an old entry of mine, and didn't actually get assigned a letter by someone, if you are commenting interested in getting a letter from me, then you should also provide a letter for me!

twilight, icons, oh my god yes, funny, dinosaur comic, happy, nathan, presents

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