I'm feeling a little down right now. The Singapore trip is thankfully timely since its giving me an outlet to to get away from the tension and stuff for some time and think. And have fun too. No worries guys. I'll be back to normal before the trip starts^^
Anyways ganked meme from
futomimii (it always amuses me as to how this rhymes)
1. One secret.
2. One compliment.
3. One criticism. (I can already see the horde flooding in 8D)
4. One love note, but it does not have to be for me.
5. Lyrics to your favourite song.
6. How old you are.
7. How long we've been friends.
8. And a hint to who you are.
I might take a little time to answer since i'm leaving for the trip in a few hours but rest be assured that I'll get to it the instant I get back^^