Won't bore you guys with details but I've been having great fun these past few days~ Shopping babe~ New things~ (considering that 3 old shirts fell apart in the past 3 days I think its hight time). I GOT MAH BOOTS. 2 and half years of hunting and I find a gorgeous pair for a steal of a price. Comparatively to the original and they FIT TOO.
I praise the fact that the current in thing with wedges and thick heels are totally something I love ( I don't follow trends much) because they're so stable, they're in size, they don't look like killer spikes and they suit everything I wear and I don't look ridiculous in them.XD
Cloth shopping was lucrative since I found some pretty nice cloth for my Tomomori 8D So far most of the stuff is a go! I just need to get the wig styled this holiday.
raincloud_sama and
_kazeki_ and I had a WIG STYLING BASH todays 8D So much fun 8DDD As much as my finger hurts from cutting 5 wigs and dyeing 3 wigs. THE THEORY I USED WORKS OMG MUAHAHHAHAHAHA. There will be camwhore pictures from the respective parties whose wigs were dyed soon to show the pretties 8DDD
And now since I'm too tired to type anymore I will end mah entry~ Tralalallalalala~~~