open your mouth, boy

Aug 06, 2011 20:46

Themes [1 - 10]
Category : Zoom In [11 - 15]
Artist's Choice [16 - 20]
Extras / Alternatives / Rejects [21 - 39]
T E A S E R S :

R U L E S ;
★ No hotlinking. PERIOD!
☆ You may not alter ANY of my icons in any way, shape, or form without my permission.
★ You may use our icons on other sites, BUT CREDIT carnal_pleasure, or stygian_dream.
☆ Comments are love and I try to answer back every single one. <3

C R E D I T I N G ღ M E


YAY! I'm done! ROFL *cough* Okay, so... I adore Zero/Yuuki. Duhh! Right? Okay... Explanations are below the icon batch. I hope you like 'em. I got really experimental with a lot of them. I noticed that I lacked the vibrancy in my icons that a lot of other icon makers had and I wanted to improve on that. I hope I succeeded. ^///^


Chess PieceTwo FontsSong TitleLove TropesWallpaper

Category : Zoom In1112131415

Artist's Choice1617181920

Extras / Alternatives / Rejects2122232425




Generated by Malionette's Icon Table Generator

# 1 - I liked the lyric I put along with the green of Slytherin: "Show me your teeth" from Lady Gaga. To me, it can represent vampires and their secretive ways, or it could actually be calling them out.... telling them to show their secrets (teeth/fangs). Also, the snake represents Slytherin and they have fangs just like vampires. Corny, but it totally works and you know it! ;DDDD
# 2 - I wanted to give this icon a more dramatic air and show one of the most heart-tugging scenes in the manga. Well, there is another but I was too lazy to color it and it's not fighting; it's KISSING! <3 Anyway, I used the color red for passion. Both characters are very passionate and I have no doubt that both were feeling very strongly in very tense and tragic scene. I wanted to show Zero more than Yuuki, so you could really see him pointing his gun and I wanted the image of a sad Yuuki to fade in slowly, giving you a creeping sorrow kinda feeling lol.
# 3 - I'm lame. That's all I can say about that one. X3
# 4 - I really like the feel of this one. With the 'Fade' theme, I wanted to show how Zero and Yuuki never can fully part. They are connected to one another and this theme totally worked with my idea lol. I love how both are asleep and I blended their one side of their face together, as if they are both sharing a dream. <3 The colors also hint at a dreamy sort of Wonderland.
# 5 - This one was a little more difficult for me. Don't ask why lol. I used purples and pinks to give it more of a mystical/magical look
# 6 - I totally did put a knight piece on Zero's neck, replacing his tattoo!!! ;D I love the sadder colors of this one, along with how Yuuki is looking up to the sky, searching. I couldn't resist the idea of Zero being branded by a literal knight chess piece tattoo. Once again, I'm sooooo lame!
# 7 - This one was just plain fun! :3 I wanted to make it really rich in color. I hope it's not too saturated. The icon says, "Submit to me". I figured that line would be cool because of what Zero had said to Yuuki a chapter before how she should force him to submit with the magic in her braclet. I think it's a chapter before! ^///^ Besides, the thought of her saying that to him is DAMN HAWT!!!!
# 8 - I was jammin' out to this song while I was coloring that particular scene and I was like, "Voilà!" Invisible Wounds - Fear Factory
# 9 - I think this icon speaks for itself. XDDDDD
# 10 - Nothing much to say about this one... just took forever to get it how I want it and it's still bugging me. ROFL!

☂ icons, ! challenge : otp20in20, [character] yuuki cross-kuran, [character] zero kiryuu, [anime/manga] vampire knight, [pairing] zero/yuuki

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