Survey #15

May 23, 2010 14:24

1. Is someone in love with you?
yes <3

2. Do you know anyone named Dave?

3. What colour is your couch?
I don't have a couch of my own but the one in the livingroom is beige or something.

4. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member?
Well my mum sometimes calls me with my sister's name -___-;; pretty often actually!

5. Have you ever tried Propel Water?
a what?

6. What colour are the walls of your bedroom?

7. Do you think that hair extensions look skanky?
no o_o

8. Are you named after a grandparent?

9. Who is your favourite Heroes character?
Haven't watched it.

10. Say you were given a drug test right now. Would you pass or fail?
pass... I guess?

11. Are you taller than 5'6"?
Don't remember how much that is in cm but I guess so!

12. Do you know anyone in jail/prison?
I know someone who's been into prison but he's got out of there now~~

13. Ever seen a dead body?
no ;_;! XD

14. Do you like the colour green?
I HATE GREEN (ok the light green is ok and cute)

15. What is your dad's best friend's name?
Klaus or Petri, don't know which one of them is more dear to him XD

17. Who was the last person to send you a text message?

18. Ever drove into the ghetto to buy drugs?

19. Last restaurant you went to?
it waaaaaaas. um.. Pannu?

20. What is your fave song?
X Japan - Week End

21. Last voice mail you received?
a what? XDDD!!

22. What did you do yesterday?
was bored at home -____-;; no wait, I talked to my girl <3

23. What's the first thing you would do with five million pounds?
HOLY FUCK! HAHAHAHAHAHAAH same answer than in the other survey I made XD Call my girl.

24. How many hours did you sleep for last night?
hmmm 11?

25. Erm… Hmm another question… Lets think… Are you happy?
I hate that question, why does it have to exist in EVERY FUCKING SURVEY!?

26. Who's the last person that you felt was stalking you?
my girl? XDDDDDDDDD!!! I know she did.

27. Have you ever been on your school's track team?
a what?

28. What jewelry are you wearing?
pfff... two crosses in my neck, three bracelets and 7 rings.

29. What's your middle name?

30. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, would you?
If I had the money.

31. What's your fav. drink?
EEEEEY <3 Jackie <3

32. Do you swear at your parents?

33. Is your phone right beside you?
yeah, kinda XD

34. Have you cried today?
not yet?

35. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?

36. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?

37. What is the colour of your bedsheets?

38. Have you ever crawled through a window?
don't remember o_o

39. Are you photogenic?
idk? XDDD

40. Are you single?
yes and no.

41. Where do you spend most of your money?
DVDs and clothes.

42. What was the last thing you did?
fought with FaceBook -___-;;

43. Do you have a tattoo?
NO ;__;

44. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?
not in the mornings @__@

45. Is there a secret you've never told any of your friends?
not sure o_O I don't think so?

46. Have you ever told someone you loved them but didn't mean it?
I don't think so.

47. Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?

48. What are you doing in 2008?
that year passed already HAH

49. What is your ringtone?
lynch. - MELT, yummm <3<3

50. What were you doing at 2 AM last night?

51. Where did you first hear the song you're listening to?
on YouTube :D

52. What was the last thing you've printed out? For what?
I guess it was the ticket of Versailles concert <3

53. What's the funniest joke you've ever heard?
I don't remembeeeeeerrrr!

54. How often do you lose friends? How many friends have you lost the beginning of last year to this day?
pfff.... I've lost sooo many of them.... but hmm. last year to this year? one.

55. What's your favorite book? If you don't like books that much, what's the latest movie you've seen in theaters?
I hate reading. the movie: ALICE IN WONDERLAND!!!

56. What special event has happened recently?
nothing yet.

57. Did you cry when you saw The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? If you've never seen it, what's the last movie that you've seen that made you cried?
Dead Poets Society ;____; Awesome movie.. but sooo sad...

58. Do you like bellflowers? If you don't, what's your favorite flower then?
I only like roses, red ones <3

59. Are there any paintings around your house? Describe one.
hmm yeah, the one my sister's father made. It's a stormy beach or something.

60. What are you watching on TV?
- Nothing yet.

61. How many people are with you in the room you're in? If you're by yourself, what's your ethnicity?
...what a weird question XD I'm Finnish XD

62. Have you ever forgotten to flush the toilet?
yeah XD

63. Who's the most recent person you've told a secret to? What's the secret about?
idk o_O I don't have so many secrets XD I'm an open person hahahahah.

64. Don't you just hate it when you put on music and just realized it was on maximum volume?
XDDD that scares the shit out of me.

65. What was the last thing you ate? Was it tasty?
Pork and salad, yes *___*

66. Name two chores you recently have done.
washing the dises and vacuuming.

67. Do you even do your chores? How many times does your mom/ dad tell you to clean up your room?
I only do something when someone tells me to XD

68. Have you ever tried Red Ribbon's Ensaimada? Did you like it?
no o_O

69. What's the last compliment you received from the opposite sex?
hmm that I'm hot?

70. What's the last compliment you received from anyone?
that I have a great body.

What time did you wake up today?
a) Before 6:00
b) 6:00-8:00
c) 8:00-10:00
d) 10:00-12:00 [x]
e) After 12:00

The last time you took a shower, what shampoo did you use?
a) Suave
b) Fructis
c) Aussie
d) Herbal Essences
e) None of the above [x]

Around what temperature do you feel comfortable?
a) Below 60 degrees
b) 60-70 degrees
c) 70-80 degrees
d) 80-90 degrees
e) Above 90 degrees [fuck the Fahrenheits -____-;; ]

What instrument do you play in Rock Band?
a) Guitar [x]
b) Drums
c) Singing
d) All of the above
e) I don't play Rock Band

What is your favorite accessory?
a) Hats
b) Jewelry [x]
c) Sunglasses
d) Watch
e) None of the above

Where do you live?
a) Apartment [x] [and what the hell is a mobile home!?]
b) House
c) Mobile Home
d) Dorm
e) None of the above

What singers do you have in your iTunes?
a) Lady Gaga
b) Taylor Swift
c) Beyonce
d) All of the above
e) None of the above [x]

Which American Idol contestant do you want to win?
a) Crystal
b) Lee
c) Casey
d) Don't know/Doesn't matter [x]
e) I don't watch American Idol
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

Which instant messaging program do you use?
a) AIM
b) MSN Messenger [x]
c) Yahoo Messenger
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

What can you find in your purse right now?
a) $20.00
b) Cell Phone [x]
c) Driver's License
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

What kind of vehicle do you drive?
a) Car
b) Truck
c) Motorcycle
d) Jeep
e) None of the above [x]

What books have you read in high school?
a) Of Mice and Men
b) The Scarlet Letter
c) To Kill a Mockingbird
d) All of the above
e) None of the above [x]

What did you drink today?
a) Water
b) Milk
c) Juice [x]
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

What color shirt are you wearing?
a) Black [x]
b) Blue
c) White
d) Mixed
e) None of the above

What letter does your last name start with?
a) A-E
b) F-J
c) K-L [x]
d) M-R
e) S-Z

You believe in...
a) Aliens
b) Ghosts/Spirits
c) Demons [x]
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

What do you like on a cheeseburger?
a) Lettuce
b) Tomato
c) Onion
d) All of the above [x]
e) None of the above

You have been...
a) In love
b) In lust
c) Heartbroken
d) All of the above [x]
e) None of the above

What are you wearing?
a) Jeans
b) Shorts
c) Capris
d) Skirts [x]
e) None of the above

What tests have you taken?
b) SAT
c) ACT
d) All of the above
e) None of the above [x]

What chores do you have?
a) Dishes [x]
b) Laundry
c) Taking out the trash [x]
d) All of the above
d) None of the above

You have lost...
a) A family pet
b) A grandparent [x]
c) A parent
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

What is your religion?
a) Catholic
b) Protestant [x]
c) Buddhist
d) Jewish
e) None of the above

What romance movies have you seen?
a) The Notebook
b) A Walk to Remember
c) The Time Traveler's Wife
d) All of the above
e) None of the above [x]


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