survey #14

May 23, 2010 14:22

~About You!~
Whats your name?
Krista Marjaana Riiski

How old are you?

Whens your b-day?
February 1st

How tall are you?

Do you have any siblings?

How many?

Whats your natural hair color?

How long is it?
it's getting longeeeer <3

Whats your eye color?

~About Him/Her!~

Whats his/her name?

How old is he/she?

Whens his/her b-day?
November 23rd

How tall is he/she?

How many siblings does he/she have?
One brother, Laurent

What are they?
...this question is weird XD Laurent is her brother, that makes those two siblings? XDDD

Whats his/her natural hair color?
dark blonde

How long is it?
it used to be longer but her mum cut it XDDDD now it's in her shoulders or something, but it will grooooow <3

Whats his/her eye color?

How long have you been going out?
pfff complicated

Whats his/her best physical feature?

Does he/she have any tattoos?

Does he/she have any piercings?
I guess she has her other ear pierced?


How did you guys meet?

How long have you known him/her?
about 1,5 year, if the huge and ridicilous fight doesn't count.

How long have you known him/her before dating them?
a few months, not for long XD

How long have you been dating?

How much do you love him/her?

What was your first thought of this person?
"interesting, awesome drawer"

When was your guy's first kiss?

How was it?

Do you love him/her?
hmh, I suck at those words.

Do they love you back?

Who asked who out?
I was the one who said that I have a huge crush on her and she didn't reject me.

Have you talked about your future with this person?
...............oh yes XDDDDDDD!!

If so, about what?

~About Him/Her AGAIN!~

What are 10 things you like/love about this person?
1) she's calm
2) she doesn't get upset easily
3) her ego is hot as hell
4) SHE is hot as hell
5) she keeps telling sweet things at me and gives me attention *attention whore*
6) her style is awesome
7) her voice, gosh <3<3<3
8) she's goofy and crazy
9) she makes me laugh. A LOT.
10) she knows how to cheer me up.

Where did you guy's meet eachother at?
Already asked that, moron -___-;;

Does this person treat you right?
yes, but as a jealous person her Keiko-jokes annoy me XDDD

What one thing do you think he/she can work on to get better at?

What does he/she do to show you that they love you?
she talks about me a lot. AND she put my pics to her school journal!! *-* Not sure are they still there but STILL!

What is his/her favorite thing or things to say?

What are his/her hobbies?
drawing,. listening to music, and her newest hobby: getting drunk XD

What are his/her interests?
drawing, music, Japan? o_O

Do you have dreams about him/her?
Not so often, which sucks sooo baaaad ;__;

What do you call him/her?
baby, bubyh, honey Miho when I'm serious or angry about something.

What do they call you?
love, darling, baby, her Finnish doll/princess whatever.

~Your ex!~

Whats your ex's name?

Why did you break-up?
he's an asshole who kept playing with my feelings over and over again.

Was he/she better than your recent bf/gf?
holy shit those two are TOO DIFFERENT to be compared XDDDDDDD!!!

How long did you go out?
about a month -___-;;

Would you go back out with this person?
hell no.

~Random AGAIN!~

When did you start dating?
We regulated something about a year ago, and again this year, in April I think.

When was the first time you said "I Love You"?
pfff the day three I guess..

When & where was your first date?

When was the last time you saw him/her?
does webcam count? XDDDDDDDD!!

Where and when was your first kiss?

Where and when did you first hold hands?
fuck these physical questions.

What was the last thing you said to him/her?

'cos she has no money on her cell >__<

What is different about him/her from the time you first started dating?
She's got more lonely.... ;__;

What drew you to this person?
the fact that she's fucking irresistible

What is the worse argument you guy's had?
three letters
You fucking bitch, burn in hell.

What is the sweetest thing he/she did to or for you?
the card from Versailles and the text behind it <3

What is the sweetest thing you did for them?
I don't know O_O.... I sent her a CD with my videos?

Could you see yourself without him/her?
hmmm well because of the fucking distance she's not with me. so hmmm...


Whats his/her favorite Color?
black? o_o...

Whats his/her favorite Band?
X Japan

Whats his/her favorite Song?
Dead Angle by Saver Tiger.

Whats his/her favorite Movie?
...fuck idk, some gay movie XD

Whats his/her favorite thing to say?
you already asked this, kinda o_o

Whats his/her favorite Actor?
idk O_O we don't talk about TV shows or movies XDDD

Whats his/her favorite TV Show?
idk the dinosaur one with some angry baby idk XD

Whats his/her favorite Video Game?
not sure if she plays those o_o...

Whats his/her favorite Sport?she doesn't do that much sport XD I think...

Whats his/her favorite thing they like about you?

Whats his/her favorite Hobbie?

Whats his/her favorite Animal?

Whats his/her favorite subject in school?
NO IDEA ;____;

Whats his/her favorite Jewelery?
the eyeball necklace.

~This or That!?!~

Cute or Pretty?
it's difficult to describe her with those words, I'll choose "sexy" XD

Quiet or Loud?
>:D I'll find it out.

Happy or Angry?
she seems happy?

Like or Love?

Rock or R&B?

Skinny or Fat?
Skinny but not too skinny

Irresistable or Annoying?
Irresistable <3

Romantic or Classy?
Romantic.....kinda XDDDDD!!

Shy or Outgoing?

Your house or Theirs?

Trustworthy or Untrustworthy?
fuck the trust issues... *sigh*


Can you see yourself marrying this person?
why not.

Do you want kids with this person?
XD who knows

If so, how many?
when I'll have kids, I want 3 or 4.

Would you move in with him/her if you could?

If he/she could, would you let him/her move in with you?
sure o_o<3

Where would you like to start your family at?
hmm in the place we would live in? XDDD

Where would you like to take him/her on your honeymoon?
...I guess she would decide it XD I haven't thought about it...


Whats one thing you would like to tell him/her now?
well I'm talking to her right now so I don't have to worry about that 8D

Does this person TRUELY love you?
I guess so.

surveys, love

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