Mar 29, 2006 22:19
Uuuuugh, I've been very busy and haven't had much to say lately.
So far I've had my Inverts lab exam, which it seems like I studied waay too much for, and then of course not all of the stuff I really studied was on the exam. But I know the phylums/subphlums/classes/subclasses and genus' of like every invertebrate!... lol. I'm hoping for an A or A-... I'm sure no less than a B+, at least.
Now I'm just studying for Chordates which is going suprisingly well, altho I have such a ridiculous amount of information to learn.. as always. I know my muscles pretty well which is awesome, and now I'm working on circ which is going pretty well. It's just word after crazy word to memorize.. but I know the cranial pancreaticoduodenal artery is off of the hepatic artery which is off the celiac trunk which is off the abdominal aorta which is the major part of the posterior arterial system! (and that's just 1/100000000 of the things I need to know)
Phew, speaking of things which aren't school, I went out with Paul and Heidi on Saturday! We didn't stay out too late but I had a totally awesome time. We went to Baked Expectations and I got my favorite ever, chocolate banana pie :D I really wish I could hang out with them more often! Hopefully they'll be able to visit us in Montreal and we can go out on tons of double dates!
And speaking of dates, haven't gotten to talk with Brian much recently cause his parents are visiting him! I miss not being able to talk with him, altho this is the best week for his parents to be visiting, because I'm really too busy to talk, and I'd have nothing to talk about other than bio! (which while totally interesting, I don't think Brian is all that into it :P)
Official Montreal Countdown: 32 days
Official Safeway Countdown: 30 days :D
Now it's time for a shower, then hepatic portal system, ho!