Jul 22, 2006 01:43
Just so you all know..I have stuck to this healthy eating thing since last Thursday..I'm so proud of myself! Today I ate cottage cheese and 2 pieces of raisin bread for lunch with some carrots and dip stuff..then for supper I had a bagel with strawberry cream cheese, the only bad thing I did today was I had half of a strawberry soda...now I'm drinking diet pepsi. Ooops but hey I'm still doing super good! To anyone out there trying to lose weight...Hoodia ROCKS! I am hardly hungry anymore.
The bathroom is almost done. The contractor said by Wed. it will be usable. Tomorrow we are helping Mom take junk to the dump. That will be fun :P. Other than that nothing new is happening. Oh we went to Kearney today and my van has 25% left on the brakes so I don't have to get them replaced yet. The tires look good too. Yaaay! Now all I have to do is get my oil changed. Oh the joys of owning a vehicle.