200 Questions..

Jul 10, 2006 20:31

200: My name is:
Carly Gray

199. I was born on:
August 17th

198. Sex:

197. My eye color is:

196. My shoe size is:

195. My ring size is:
6 1/2

194. What is your Favorite Color?

193. My height is:

192. I'm allergic to:
Blueberries and Sulfa

191. I live in:
Holdrege Nebraska

189. The last book I read:
I don’t even remember….

188. My bed time is:
anytime between midnight and 7am

187. First Screen name?

186. Current Screen name?:

179. My favorite Holiday is:

178. The perfect first kiss is:
One from someone that’s not using you

177. The last three cd's i have listened to are:
Flypside, Chely Wright, and Sublime

176. Last song that made me cry was:
Chely Wright-River

172. My most treasured possession(s) is/are:
Brad, Family, Friends, pets, stereo/music

170. What did you do last night.
I don’t even remember.

167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn):
burn then tan

:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::

143. Santa:

142. Love at First Sight:
The more I think about it the more I’m going to say no because you really gotta get to know a person before you can truly love them

141. Luck:

140. Fate:

139. God:

138. Aliens:

137. Heaven:

136. Hell:

135. Ghosts:

134. Horoscopes:

133. Soul mates:

:::::Which is Better?:::::
129. Hugs or Kisses:

128. Drunk or High:
haha drunk

127. Phone or online:
phone ofcourse

126. Red heads or Brown heads:
brown hair

125. Blondes or Brunettes:

124. lamb and tuna or peanut butter and jelly:
peanut butter and jelly!!!

123. pool or darts:
darts!-funner when drunk

122: sci-fi or horror:

121: boys or girls:

120. Night or Day:

119. Oranges or Apples:

118. Curly or Straight hair:

:::::What comes to your head ?:::::
117. Scary:

115. Backstabber:
they suck

116: Parent:

110. School:

:::::Last time?::::::::
103. Missed someone:
I miss Jean daily…

102. Hugged someone:
About an hour ago

101. Seen someone u haven't seen in a while:
Family Reunion on June 26th or something like that


90. Who's the ditziest person you know?

89. Who makes you laugh the most:
Emily or my mom

87. One thing I'm mad about right now:
The loan not being ready on our house yet.  GRRR!

83. The last movie I saw in the theater was:
Just Married…its been a while

82. The thing I don't understand is:
Why people lie, judge and use.

79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is:
Gotta be able to make me laugh and be real

78. This summer:
I’ve been lazy

77. Next year will be:

76. Something I will really miss when I leave home is:
My bed

75. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most is:
having children

::::::what are you doing?:::::::
71. tomorrow:
Tomorrow is Tuesday theeee 11th..hopefully it will be sunny so I can tan!

72. Today:
Being lazy its rainy

71. Next Summer:
Partying it up…ill be 21!

70. Next month:
Turning 21!


64. The person I have been good friends with the longest:

62. The person who knows the most about me is:

61. The person that can read me the best is:

60. The most difficult thing to do is:
Being around something that annoys me or that I don’t agree with

59. I have gotten a speeding ticket:

58. I have the following siblings:
3 step-sisters and 2 brothers

56. My zodiac sign is:

55. The first person I was in love with was:
Nicholas Evan Seidell

54.Who do you feel most comfortable with?

53. The one person who can't hide things from me:
Brad and my mom

51. Right now I am talking to:

48. I have a job at:
ha no where I’m a loner

47. Pets:
2 cats-Koda and Calie, and 1 dog-Sadie

46. I hope:
we get this house

45. The worst sound in the world:
fork scratching on a plate

43. Have You ever done drugs?

33. My favorite piece of clothing is:

32. My favorite sport is:
hockey, tennis, or football

31. Last time I cried:
The other night I was sick and I cry when I’m sick L

28. The church I attend:
I haven’t gone to church in a looooong time

27. Last person I got mad at:
My brother..hes treating my mom like crap..and my dad…hes not even a dad anymore

26. My worst experience I've ever had was:
When I found out Brad had done something to me that hurt a ton

22. The all-time best movie is:

21. The all-time best thing in the world is:

being loved for 100% who you are..being happy

20. So, about them Canadians:
what about em?

19. The most annoying thing ever is:
Immature teen girls

18. The most annoying person you know is:
Char…shes a spaz!

17. I lose all respect for people who:
Lie, judge and use people

16. I hate:
no one

15. I Like:
food, music, my family, my friends, my animals, clean laundry, my clothes, shopping, money, my vehicle, new shoes, underwear shopping especially, writing, partying, being real, having fun, talking, my cell phone, Pepsi, potatoes, my moms dog, tanning, being naked, being creative, road trips, swimming, decorating, children, sleeping in, being lazy, badminton (I OWN YOU IN THAT GAME), cleaning, showers, camping, Arby’s, being loved, real people, honesty, cars…the list goes on…

14. My Favorite Day is:

13. My Favorite Month is:

12. My Favorite band is:
Hinder or Sublime

11. The worst pain I ever felt?
Physically-after my back surgery, I was under for 8 hours I woke up in the E.R, went back under, had tubes everywhere, a cut from my tailbone to my neck bone, nurses sucked, bed was hard..you get the picture.

Emotionally-when Jean died, when my mom had her heart attack and I couldn’t get to her, when my mom didn’t believe me about being sexually assaulted, when Brad betrayed me…

10. My favorite phrase?
”Pretty is as pretty does but pretty’s not my thing”

9. My room:
It’s tan on top, dark green on the bottom with a outdoorsy/cabin/lake border, king size water bed, t.v, dresser, walk in closet, tan carpet, French doors….

8. My favorite actress/actor is:
Angolina Jolie, Ashton Kutcher

7. your weakness:
I care to much

6.favorite song:
Right now its-Hinder-Lips of an Angel

5:what color is you room:
tan, dark green, and border

4. What turns you on:
eyes and stomach

3. Who broke your heart?
Brad did a while back

2. I filled out 200 questions because:
I'm bored….

1. What do you hate most about yourself:
I constantly think I’m fat.  I rarely look in the mirror at myself.
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