Jul 13, 2004 19:04
We saved four birdies from dying in our water heater type thing. My dad my sister and me did it. I kept on hearing the liitle bastards moving around the big pipes that connect the heater to the house. And my dad opened the hatch and one left. It started flying around and it went outside after 5 minutes or so because we opened the basementdoors. Then after a while I heard another bird. And my dad starts to look and then he goes no its two and then he looks again and there are THREE birds. They didnt want to come out and so we were taping the pipe and then they started to move so I kept on doing so. And then one bird starts to fly out it goes out of sight and my sister found it on the roof/wall. Then I go back and help the other one come out and it starts flying around and my cat is chasing it. Then the bird lands on the stairs and my cat gets it and my dad starts to hit ,gently, so the cat would let the bird go and he does. So my sister picks up the bird who was alive, takes him outside and lets him go and he flys away. The other bird was caught by my dad who took a shirt and took the bird outside and let him go. The last bird took about ten minutes for it to get out.First the bird fell down the pipe that was really close to the exit that goes down to the heater. Took him a while to get out. And so that it didnt fall down my dad took a mixing stick that one uses to mix the paint from home depot and the bird gets on it. My dad tells us not to move so he can get the bird without it flying all over the room. And he gets it out of the house yyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I hope that we dont get anymore birds in the house.Later I'll talk later.