You know what really pisses me off? When we, as a class, decide to each take a subject and write all the texts and vocabulary we did and upload them to our class internet site - and no one does it!! How is that supposed to help? Why agree on it in the first place?
A guy from my class told me that there's another translator and interpreter school in Munich (same street funnily enough) that is for free. The other one costs 190€/month But you have to pass a test first that is in May, which is kinda worrying me. However, I'm going to apply for both and hope I'm passing the test.
No school for me today There's a strike today and no buses or trams are to be seen. Funnily enough, Dad's on business trip and Mom just left for Konstanz and both won't be back till tonight. I have Dad's car, but I hate driving it and there's no way in hell I'm paying 20€ parking charge just to go to school.
Our class has an intranet school site and we decided to upload school stuff like translation works and vocabulary. Anyway, everyone said they'll do something and guess who volunteered for the English correspondence letters? Right, me. You know how many letter we have? 23 \o/ @ me being stupid
A girl in my class is 4 months pregnant. She's 19 The baby is due in May, 2-3 weeks before our finals. I'm not sure if that was a smart move Seriously, when you're bored during summer holidays, go watch a film, don't make babies
So tomorrow I have to go back to school ... DNW I have to interpret and we have a test in French, and we got another test on Thursday and on Friday *headdeask*