just_muse_me - Ten Listing

May 10, 2009 18:38

TEN favourite meals
1. Tacos --So what if they're cliche? They're amazing.
2. Sushi --Trendy, but still satisfying.
3. Any cereal without raisins. Not much of a meal, but I love breakfast foods.
4. Salad(more for a sidedish). The dressing consists of lemon juice, a bit of olive oil and a lot of salt. YUM
5. Spaghetti
6. Lasagna
7. Mushroom Soup
9. Mashed Potatoes with the gravy.
10. 90% of any kind of spanish food

TEN stupid things you've done
1. Yell "Holy shit!" in a church.
2. Kick my brother where it hurts... by accident.
3. Have my cellphone go off during the national anthem in 9th grade. The ring tone was the song, "Wow, I can get sexual too" by Say Anything
4. Tell my professor he's, "a real dickweed" after giving me a C- (which eventually turned into an F)
5. Have a drunk pillowfight
6. Break as many mirrors as I can in 1 hour (coincidentally, I broke 7) to see if the "bad luck for 7 years" thing really was true. (It isn't by the way)
7. Drunk-dial the boy I liked. I never saw him again after that..
8. Rant to my dog. --Because it was to my dog, I said some pretty secretive things. The cute guy across the street heard everything.
9. Have a cuss-spam in front of my dad's boss. How was I supposed to know he was around?
10. Swear in front of my elders in general. I am now known as "that potty-mouthed brat".

(comm) just_muse_me, (meme)

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