Oct 01, 2012 22:12
So finally got to watch the Avengers last night. I have to admire Marvel for setting up this sort of web like film series that they have, feeding into a sort of central film series. It was brilliant marketing, and my friend kept telling me how true it was to the comics, so probably a nice translation.
But it was also rather mind numbingly boring and predictable. I felt like I was watching the Green Hornet, since the film was 1/3 Iron man being obnoxious, 1/3 the heroes fighting with each other, and 1/3 things getting blown up. I still love Captain America...and Thor was more likable than I thought he might be, may give the Thor movie a try now. But over all, I was just bored out my mind. Loki was such a cookie cutter villian...I'd had him hyped as interesting/quirky...nope.
Robert Downey Jr. may just need to go on my list of actors whose movies I avoid. He was absolutely grating, and I still haven't forgiven him for ruining Sherlock Holmes. Jude Law as Watson was such brilliant casting....and I couldn't enjoy it cause Downey was such a horrific Holmes.
Bill Bixby and Lou Ferringo have permantly spoiled me on the Incredible Hulk. The movie Hulk was way too inconsistent. No control, can't control himself, angst angst over lack of control, etc. etc....oh wait final battle, now suddenly the Hulk can control himself, take orders, and make snarky comments.
I enjoy fantastic movies, I just like them to work within their own logic.