* HI TESSA HI TESSA HI HI HI. Seriously, she is so beyond fabulous and one day, ONE DAY, I will write the story that makes that whole deal (esp. the Dick Maynard thing) make sense. It will probably be insanely femslashy, because:
* ZOEEEEEEEEEE. omg, baby Zoe. Baby EVERYBODY, oh my god they're all children, MALCOLM HAS HAIR, but particularly ZOE. Socute. So earnest. So very earnest.
* Shut up, Ellie. I'm sorry, I hate getting like this about female characters, it makes me feel like I'm letting the side down, but she is SO ANNOYING. Yes, he dated you under false pretenses. Either dump his ass straight off or cope. Do not sit there insisting that someone who's signed the Official Secrets Act TELL YOU EVERYTHING as a condition of your continuing relationship. That horse, not going to run.
* Tom Quinn. How so fucked up?
* "Traitor's Gate" does not get any less good, or any less overwhelmingly mentorslashy -- seriously, the reason Tom doesn't talk about his recruitment is that it involved actual buggery at some stage, isn't it.
* Hugh Laurie as Jools Siviter should be in everything EVER. At all times.
* I love Harry Pearce and wish to keep him in my pocket. And he and Tessa so had a thing. See above re. TESSSAAAAAAA.
* It's so damn weird to go back to the days when the Grid looked like an office, and not the bridge of Deep Space Nine.
* I skipped the chip fryer episode. I skip the chip fryer episode, I will skip the chip fryer episode, I will be going to have been skipping the chip fryer episode. Not just because of the chip fryer; also it sets off my embarrassment squick something fierce.
* This season could really use like four more episodes to spin out all its plot threads, couldn't it? I mean, not in the sense that that would inevitably involve more Ellie, but it's all a bit abrupt.
* Also I love Danny, like, a lot.
* It's all a bit less high-stakes this early on, isn't it? I mean, plenty of tension within the episodes, but never that sense of "OMG THE WHOLE WORLD IS ABOUT TO CATCH FIRE" that you get in the later seasons. (I think it would be instructive to watch the two incriminating-memoirs episodes -- 1.05 and 4.05 -- side by side, because there is SUCH a stylistic shift over that period of time.)
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