five questions meme, pt. 3

Jun 26, 2011 16:46


The answer is Yes.

I have a great deal of residual fondness for him, but -- the answer is still Yes.

And I have vids to back that assertion up.

A lot of these speak to really squiggly fucked-up places in my head, so do bear that in mind, but:

1. The most dangerous person in the world... and the person who tells them what to do. Especially if there's just a hint of parental-figures-kink mixed in. Um, looked at from this angle, the fact that I appear to have singlehandedly invented Harry/Ros is not quite so surprising, really.

2. Really scary people in looooooove. See above re. Asriel/Marisa having been burned into my brain at a young age, really.

3. Neurotic, self-conscious, painfully-prone-to-overthinking-it obsessive personalities. This is probably the only heading (other than "female," "British," and "brunette") which can comfortably encompass both Alex Drake and Ruth Evershead, which is the beauty of it.

4. Really questionably moral people with the capacity for absolutely shining moments of grace. Hence Gene Hunt. Hence pretty much everyone in Deadwood (actually, that's pretty much the stated theme of the latter, WHICH IS WHY EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH IT, see below).

5. People who just get shit done.

There are a few!

* The Bold as Love cycle, by Gwyneth Jones. I have only this to say: fucked-up polyamorous multiracial living-with-mental-illness-and-disability near-future Arthurian rockstar threesome SAVES THE WORLD. With relationship drama and a lot of classic rock. They are, alas, apparently no longer available in free .pdf download from the website, but I got them when they were, and, uh, ask me in comments. And I need to finish reading the last two because I REALLY need to app Fiorinda somewhere.

* Deadwood. I don't care if you don't like Westerns. I don't care if Westerns raped your Bible, killed your wife, and peed on your dog. WATCH IT ANYWAY, because a. it's not what you're thinking of when you hear the word "Western," and b. it is probably my pick for the single greatest serial storytelling achievement of the last decade. Also, "cocksucker" as a pronoun.

* Among Others. If you're at all in touch with the speculative-fiction community, you've probably heard a fair amount of hype about this book over the last few months, and all of it is true. If you aren't... it is probably the best thing I've ever read about being young and odd and damaged and finding a world for yourself anyway, and also about fannishness, and about hope. And the ending seriously, seriously makes me cry.

* And there are probably more, but I'm running out of brain cells. I'll probably drop about twenty things on you in comments.

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