Yep, I'm back. Too soon, isn't it? *sighs* Depeche Mode concerts were the best EVER. Stade de France <3 And in Nancy we were in the first row!!! Oh my... I captured videos on my cell phone, but I'm singing along with Dave too loud
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I didn't go to sleep until 3am when I finally watched it. What do you think? Bastard Torchwood! But the episode was good. So good. I think it's one of the best gifts on my bday. And the new Doctor is coming tonight. Woohoo! Thank you Doctor and Torchwood crew)))) *giggles*
Actually, I don't remember if I slept tonight. No, really. Did I? Of course I was downloading Torchwood episode 2 instead of sleeping. I just couldn't go to bed while other lucky people were watching it! So I managed to see it at about 7.30 am. Niice.