Snow day means ball winding

Mar 02, 2007 08:46

Yesterday turned out quite lovely.

After I got home I spent the rest of the day finishing up some of my mending/knitting to do's and started cleaning for the party tomorrow.  Nothing hard core, just a little rearranging.

I worked a little bit on that v neck sweater that I took apart, but I may have screwed it up even more. 
So I put it down to have a think-think about possible solutions.  Perhaps tonight I will tackle it again.

Remember that ramen-noodle pile of yarn?

Well, I washed it and hung it to dry (this relaxes the kinks) earlier in the week.

My shower has a curtain on either side (to protect the window) and the two rods work GREAT for supporting a Swiffer broom handle full of soggy yarn.

I spent an hour or so yesterday turning that into this:

All balled and bagged and ready to become something wonderful!
Which is good because I didn't really want piles of ramen-noodle yarn lying around (or hanging in the shower) during my fete.

I worked on the DNA strand, but I'm not happy with it.

These are the outer twists, but they are twisting the wrong way... the DNA should be a right handed twist, and this is left handed.  Grrr.
The woman who originally wrote the pattern corrected it, but on a different page on her website.  So I didn't catch that I was twisting it the wrong way until 1/2 way through the second twist. 
I know how to fix it now, but that means I'll have to make them again. 
From the start. 
Double grr.
There was a part of me that said, "who fucking cares?" But then... I care.  It will bug me that it's twisting the wrong way.  AND, they are a little too short.  Inspecting them from a finished point, I'd like another inch or so to really see the way they wrap around each other.

*sigh*.  At least, it doesn't take very long to make them... only about two episodes of SCI per twist.  I might just sew these together into a donut twist and give them to the cats as a toy.  At least then the effort won't have been a COMPLETE waste.


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