What a difference 5 inches of snow makes...

Mar 01, 2007 13:58

At 12:30 BossWoman came by and told me to leave anytime... and I will still get paid for the regular hours.

As I was packing up my things someone put some pizza leftover from a lunch meeting on the break room table and I got a slice.

At 1:00 I was on my way home, stopping at Surdyk's to stock up for my party this weekend... and they are having their Spring Sale!!!
EVERYTHING I wanted and more was on sale.  Really, really on sale.

For the entire ride home The Current was playing great songs about snow and snow days.

There is a beautiful white blanket on every single tree branch outside my window... and I don't have to drive ANYWHERE.

It's 2:00 and I'm on the couch in my comfy pants with a pair of cats and a Back to the Future 1,2 AND 3 marathon on TV.

Could this day get any better?

finding peace

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