The year end reviews are coming in, and I wasn't really expecting anything for Pro Rata this year, but here's a nugget!
Julie Ann Nevill got named "Best Crossgender Performance" of 2009 by
Lavender Magazine.
As lovely as it is to have a mention, I can't help but feel a little snubbed that he didn't chose to mention Noe (a crossgendered GALILEO). Ah well, in other places on his list there were things I didn't agree with. I will note, though, that somethings, like .faust for costume design and Sally Wingert as Best Actress, were right on the money.
In other news, aside from The Hollisuckmybutt Hollidazzle Parade raining a plague of suburbanites down on my city and infesting Brit's, the concert last night was great! They did the Nutcracker Suite, which was delightful, and Troika, which was amazing. It was general admission, and we got second row center, and there were cookies!
And it should be noted,
duchess_of_pie is a great date for the orchestra. Especially when the conductor is a young Irish man.