Offer: I will write fanfic of no less than 3,000 words, to be divided as the winning bidder prefers (1 fic of 3,000 words, 3 fics of 1,000 words, whatever you like). You can find my fic in the following communities and archives:
thisengland (Shakespeare),
femgenficathon (Rome, Last of the Mohicans, Shakespeare),
dw_historical (Doctor Who),
FictionAlley (Harry Potter), and
Yuletide. I will write outside the fandoms specified below, but please contact me directly before bidding if this is the case.
Requests can be as specific or as general as you choose, from detailed characters/setting/pairing/prompts to just the fandom and an overarching theme. AUs and crossovers, slash and het, humour, angst, plotty, crackfic, all welcome, but, as is evident from the links, the one thing I don't write is smut -- I happen to be very bad at it. My strengths, or so I've been told, are snappy dialogue, dysfunctional family dynamics, and instrospective, character-driven pieces peppered with obscure literary references. Also, I will write original historical fiction (hence the offer of 15th-century RPF).
Contact: lareinenoire AT gmail DOT com
Delivery: I will have your fic(s) written within three months.
Minimum bid: $9.
Buy It Now: $30