Challenge 16: Book Club

Dec 16, 2014 21:08


Description Talk Books : Copy paste the texty and discuss your favourite books this week. If you don't want to answer a question just delete it. If you want to talk more about things, go ahead! (aka remove/add questions as you wish)

Favourite book read in 2014?Read more... )

book club

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Comments 195

everythingshiny December 16 2014, 08:09:15 UTC

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wagrobanite December 16 2014, 15:31:14 UTC
" Copy paste the texty and discuss your favourite shows this week" um.. don't you mean books ;)


everythingshiny December 17 2014, 07:40:35 UTC
thanks! fixed


crucified December 16 2014, 08:24:53 UTC
Favourite book read in 2014? Doctor Sleep or Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King
Have you ever read a book and had the perfect casting for a character? No, I don't think so? I usually just imagine my favorite actors as the characters when I'm reading regardless of if they'd be good for the role or not LOL.
Do you prefer series or one-offs? One offs.
Is there a book character you think you are similar too? Hmm, well, I am obsessive like my queen Annie Wilkes, but I'd say she's bit more obsessed than I am. :P
Book you've been disappointed with this year? I'm kinda disappointed in Gone Girl thus far. Maybe it's because I'm in a bit of a slump in regards to reading right now and I haven't read too far into it yet. It seems to start off kinda slow, but I'm hoping it'll get better or I'll just re-read it when I'm in a better mood.
Do you read fic, if so do you have a favourite? Yessss. A Necesary Deception by scatteredlogic on was amazing. I'm also loving Baker's Dozen by someone who's name I'm forgetting at the moment on Ao3
A book you ( ... )


everythingshiny December 16 2014, 08:31:56 UTC
*cough* I hated Gone Girl *Cough* with a passion.

I think that it was partly the point - to hate whatshisface and then hate amy. I did like the movie slightly better but its still just not been jam.


crucified December 16 2014, 08:35:29 UTC
LMAO I've just heard so many good things about it and I was like okay, this will be a good departure from my Stephen King collection, but I kinda don't care about anyone so far?? The guy is kinda boring and I already know Amy's a psycho so. :P Maybe I'll just watch the movie lol. Usually I like David Fincher's movies so he might make me care about these people LOL.


everythingshiny December 16 2014, 08:40:24 UTC
I read it for my RL book club last year and i didn't even end up finishing it i didn't like it that much (to be fair i only finish like half the books i don't have time for not-me books) and i've never been 100% sure why it was so popular. I mean i guess i kinda understand but still. the big twist didn't do much for me


everythingshiny December 16 2014, 08:39:03 UTC
Favourite book read in 2014? I've read so few books this year its such a fail. I really liked The Husband's Secret by Liane moriaty
Have you ever read a book and had the perfect casting for a character? YESSSS sometimes. I've seen a model that was a perfect Jamal from the Deadly Descendent Series, but i can't remember his name of the top of my head so i shall not provide a picture
Do you prefer series or one-offs? Series always. I just like to keep my characters forever
Is there a book character you think you are similar too? No? I'm probably too boring. I always wanted to be Matilda when i was younger but realistically we're not that alike
Book you've been disappointed with this year? Ruins was a so-so ending to the Partials series by Dan Wells
Do you read fic, if so do you have a favourite? I do, i'm not sure i have a favourite but i do really like switch & 64 colours
A book you wish more people would read? Actually not sure about this one. I don't really have a book i wanna push on people right now. Depends on genres etc

... )


colls December 16 2014, 13:23:21 UTC
My bookclub read The Husband's Secret and while I did like the plot and the writing, my first reaction was to be angry at the women for sticking with their man (both of them!)
But then I calmed down and realized how much strength it took for them to do that.
Lord, what a tragedy.

Sad to hear about Ruins. It's one of the series I've been hoping to finish up soon. :(


everythingshiny December 17 2014, 07:44:28 UTC
Yeah it was an interesting book, i didn't enjoy the only other book of hers i've read as much but i have one more on my stack of to-reads so we'll see how that goes.

I wouldn't say its outright bad, but perhaps just not as great as i was hoping after the first one/two


cardboardcornea December 16 2014, 14:25:23 UTC
OMG, Switch. I have such a complicated relationship with that fic. I love it but I can not bring myself to ever finish reading it because I just don't want it to end. It also doesn't help that every time I sit down and am like 'this time I am going to finish it' I insist on starting from the beginning.


(The comment has been removed)

blue_sunflowers December 16 2014, 10:46:47 UTC
Do NOT tell me how Olympic Heroes goes!!!!! I'm on Mark of Athena, though I'm rereading the Percy Jackson series to refresh my memory.


colls December 16 2014, 13:21:41 UTC
I had got a copy of the Heroes book 1 and.... can't remember why I didn't read it. Hm. What was your favorite thing about it?


wagrobanite December 16 2014, 15:51:30 UTC
"Didn't live up to the other books."
oh no! I didn't want to read that... Hopefully I'll have a different opinoin


blue_sunflowers December 16 2014, 10:56:20 UTC
Favourite book read in 2014? I guess maybe the Hunger Games series, though I first read it a couple of years ago.
Have you ever read a book and had the perfect casting for a character? Not really, but I do like the one I did for The Underland Chronicles
Do you prefer series or one-offs? Series.
Is there a book character you think you are similar to? Can't think of any.
Book you've been disappointed with this year? Not really. Winter Bones was better than I expected. Inferno, OTOH, was weirder.
Do you read fic, if so do you have a favourite? Please check out these Hunger Games fics.
A book you wish more people would read? The Underland Chronicles

Recommend a book for future book clubs The DaVinci Code, or the Poseidon Adventure. Then I'd maybe actually finish it. I've tried 5 times so far, and can't get past the capsizing of the ship.

... )


colls December 16 2014, 13:20:19 UTC
I liked the Kurt Russell movie of Poseidon, I didn't realize it was a book (I know it had been made into a movie earlier)

What is the Underland Chronicles about?


blue_sunflowers December 17 2014, 09:07:45 UTC
The Underland Chronicles is a series of five books, written by Suzanne Collins (author of The Hunger Games trilogy). It follows a young boy, Gregor, as he fights to save the Underland (a world below New York City) and its inhabitants. Characters include humans and animals that are the size of humans, with human-like qualities (although not necessarily).

My review for it and why I love it so much is here. It's seriously worth reading if you liked The Hunger Games IMO.


wagrobanite December 16 2014, 15:52:05 UTC
I'm so over the Da Vinci code... his subsequent books have been crap due to the success of that book :(


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