Challenge 16: Book Club

Dec 16, 2014 21:08


Description Talk Books : Copy paste the texty and discuss your favourite books this week. If you don't want to answer a question just delete it. If you want to talk more about things, go ahead! (aka remove/add questions as you wish)

Favourite book read in 2014?Read more... )

book club

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everythingshiny December 16 2014, 08:39:03 UTC
Favourite book read in 2014? I've read so few books this year its such a fail. I really liked The Husband's Secret by Liane moriaty
Have you ever read a book and had the perfect casting for a character? YESSSS sometimes. I've seen a model that was a perfect Jamal from the Deadly Descendent Series, but i can't remember his name of the top of my head so i shall not provide a picture
Do you prefer series or one-offs? Series always. I just like to keep my characters forever
Is there a book character you think you are similar too? No? I'm probably too boring. I always wanted to be Matilda when i was younger but realistically we're not that alike
Book you've been disappointed with this year? Ruins was a so-so ending to the Partials series by Dan Wells
Do you read fic, if so do you have a favourite? I do, i'm not sure i have a favourite but i do really like switch & 64 colours
A book you wish more people would read? Actually not sure about this one. I don't really have a book i wanna push on people right now. Depends on genres etc

Recommend a book for future book clubs A Place Called Here by Cecelia Ahern


colls December 16 2014, 13:23:21 UTC
My bookclub read The Husband's Secret and while I did like the plot and the writing, my first reaction was to be angry at the women for sticking with their man (both of them!)
But then I calmed down and realized how much strength it took for them to do that.
Lord, what a tragedy.

Sad to hear about Ruins. It's one of the series I've been hoping to finish up soon. :(


everythingshiny December 17 2014, 07:44:28 UTC
Yeah it was an interesting book, i didn't enjoy the only other book of hers i've read as much but i have one more on my stack of to-reads so we'll see how that goes.

I wouldn't say its outright bad, but perhaps just not as great as i was hoping after the first one/two


cardboardcornea December 16 2014, 14:25:23 UTC
OMG, Switch. I have such a complicated relationship with that fic. I love it but I can not bring myself to ever finish reading it because I just don't want it to end. It also doesn't help that every time I sit down and am like 'this time I am going to finish it' I insist on starting from the beginning.


everythingshiny December 17 2014, 07:43:22 UTC
i love ittttttt i am always sad when it ends, and i kinda wish there was an into darkness version.

The other one i like for kirk/bones is 100 days and counting which is also very good


malicat December 16 2014, 21:29:43 UTC
There are a great book series out there but I also feel like that the longer a series runs,the bigger the risk that the characters are getting ruined or that the author runs out of ideas etc. But yeah,spending more time with beloved characters is definitely a good argument in favor of a series :)


everythingshiny December 17 2014, 07:42:42 UTC
This is also true!! some series do go on for too long. But much like TV shows, some pull off more than 5 seasons and many more don't :) It depends on how serial the books are or their genre - crime seems to be something that lasts the test of many cases where as romance i wouldn't really want to read more than one book for


dance_thrulife December 17 2014, 21:34:31 UTC
The Husband's Secret, I really enjoyed that one. Have you read her follow up "Big Little Lies" cause if not you should put it on your list!


everythingshiny December 21 2014, 12:43:14 UTC
Its definitely on my list! I have read What Alice Forgot, which was good but not as good & i have The Last Anniversary on my pile of to-reads :)


delacours December 21 2014, 00:40:56 UTC
Switch was such a good fic (if a little cheesy sometimes) but the amount of angst in that one, omg. Personally, I think everyone who read that fic and went out of it relatively unscathed should be given an award or something.


everythingshiny December 21 2014, 12:44:04 UTC
ahahaha yes!! I am super into it because of how good it weaves into the actual plot and provides so much background. Its also one of the very first fics i ever read, so remains pretty special!


delacourtings December 22 2014, 23:07:29 UTC
Oh, I love 64 colors! I always want more gen fic especially in the MCU. And A Place Called Here looks really interesting, I think I'm gonna have to put it on my to read list.


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