Description This one is kinda inspired by one of themes over at
20inspirations a while back. Pick a fandom/celeb/character/whatever that you really love and either write fic/meta or make some graphics showing us at least 2 reasons why you love whatever it is that you chose to focus on. Since the end of the phase is coming soon, you can do as much or as little (within reason, if you're doing graphics, don't just make two icons and call it done and I would say no less than 50 words total for fic or meta) for each reason as you want to.
Points 30 points (15 for each reason you love something, up to 2 max), +1 for using a sig-tag (6 crowns)
Due Date November 14, midnight EST
Submitting Submit here, to this post. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread” below.