(no subject)

Jun 03, 2007 21:41

This week marks a serious change in the life Macmillan. I'll be moving out of my parents house. Susan, you'll have my almost constant company by the end of the week. Are you still sure you want that? This is the point of no return, my dear Susan. I'll be bringing my extraordinary tea making skills and border-obsessive-compulsive organisation to your lovely abode. Yes, be afraid. Haha, no, I'll see you soon.

Justin, care to lend a hand, mate?

Hannah, I'll see you soon too, okay? Work's been a bit crazy. A Troll, a muggle mountain hiking trail and an irate Wizard who had his cabin trampled. I don't know what they expected to happen. Anyway, I'll tell you about it when I get home. Love you.
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