
May 23, 2007 19:17

May 21, 2007

I didn’t do much. I bummed around the house and read novels all day which I loved! Just after dinner Paul texted me and we went to the pub up the road and had a drink and just talked.

May 22, 2007

Had my 2nd day where I didn’t have to work. I finished my book and started another one! I finished some work on my computer and hung out with alex a little bit before he went off to his exam. My friend Zane was over landscaping for Silvana and he stayed for dinner which was nice! After dinner Paul and I met up yet again. We walked around King George’s park and then when we were on the top of a hill Paul said let’s go over there to trigger point which was these two sells of massive hils. So we walk over to the park that has these hills which takes like 15 minutes. We climb up these hills which were steep beyond belief. We finally made it to the top of the hill which I about died from. Then Paul says right, now to the next hill! OH YES!!! There were more hills. We climbed up yet another steep hill and made it to the top! After all that hard work I wanted to stay up there and enjoy the view a little more but paul wouldn’t stay more than 10 minutes. We walked down the other side of the hill and into another little park. I’m not quite sure that Paul knew exactly where we were and exactly where we were going. So we ended up walking, and walking, and walking. We walked through Bramcote into Trowell, and then into Stapleford. We walked for about 2 ½ hours, about 10 miles! I thought I was going to die by the time we made it home! We walked through fields, up hills, through cemetary’s, down streets, UP streets and all over! I felt good after I had finished it but I was so exhausted! Thank god Paul didn’t tell me what he planned to do before we met up because then I would have never gone and met up with him! Haha!

May 23, 2007

I worked at the shop today! Day number 3. I worked with Paul and Rafal. Paul was a million times nicer to me this time around….which I was glad about because I worked my butt off. I was pouring sweat for most of the day and cleaning everything. So I was happy to hear my very first ever compliment from Paul. “You’re not doing bad”. WOOO HOOOO! That’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. I worked from 9:00 to 6:30, Paul left the shop around 5:00 and he kept teasing Rafal because he had to close with me and sicne I’ve very rarely closed he thought it would be funny to make fun of me. It wasn’t I did very well in closing! In fact I did most of the work. I cleaned up everything outside, inside, finished all the dishes, put all the tables and chairs away, locked everything up, turned off all the computer, cleaned all the parts to the espresso machine, mopped, and everything! I was sweating and exhausted by the time that I finished!

The plan for tonight is to go to Republic. I figure since I’ve spent the last 3 days just walking and such with paul, that I need a break! So Drew and some other people are all meeting down there tonight. I’m glad because I need a break! Thank god I start work at 11 tomorrow and not 9!!
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