i'm in England

May 21, 2007 10:11

Sorry that it has taken me so long to write a blog but I’ve been extremely busy since I’ve gotten here. So here is the recap of everything that has happened since I’ve arrived.

May 16, 2007

I fly into England. The flight was good and quick. I wait in line at customs only to have some prick question me about why I’m spending two whole months in England and what I plan to do while I’m here! I tell him that I plan to travel and visit with family and my friends and such and he doesn’t believe me. He asks me all sorts of questions about my aunt who I’m staying with. When he finds out that she owns a coffee shop then he starts to get really suspicious! He says that he would like to talk with my aunt to confirm some of the facts. So I didn’t have any of the numbers readily on me, the only one I knew off the top of my head was the number to the shop. He called that number and Paul answered, paul being the quick talker that he is didn’t think about what he said before he said it and told the immigration officer that I did in fact work in the shop. After the officer got this confirmation he started to question me even further. He kept telling me that to lie to an immigration officer is a federal offense. He got the numer to my aunt silvana’s cell phone and called and talked to her. Luckily she said the same thing that I did. But she was smart and also told him that I was an Italian citizen so it wasn’t completely illegal for me to be working at the shop.

After all this a woman came and got me and took me to go and pick up my luggage. She took me into the customs back office where I was fingerprinted, had photos taken of me and was then placed into a holding cell! By this point I was hysterical, I asked the guard for a calling card and called home. The first few times I tried to call no one would answer so I was freaking out even more. Finally my mom answered the phone. She told me what the officer had said to my Aunt silvana and what he had said to them when he called. All in all I was exteremly terrified because they told me I was going to be deported, all I could think about was the money I had wasted on a ticket to England and wouldn’t even get past customs. Finally I called my mom again and she told me that the officer had just spoken with silvana and that he was going to let me pass through. The guy took me into a separate interview room and gave me a little closing interview. He handed back all my passports and paperwork and told me not to lie and blah blah blah! I was just so happy to be out of there!

I changed my bus ticket and took the bus to Nottingham. When I got there Silvana took me straight to the shop where I got to see everyone! My first night back Alex and I went down to republic and hung out with everyone! It was great to see everyone again!

May 17, 2007

I got used to the time change which didn’t really take long for me. I went to the shop and hung out for a little bit, I talked with everyone and met up with this guy named Zane. I had met him last year but I never really got to know him. I ended up sitting in the shop with him for 4 hours just talking. That night Alex, Paul, and I all went up to the park by Alex’s house and we played a little bit of Frisbee and then acted like retards on the playground, it was great!

May 18, 2007

First day back at work. I remembered quite a lot about the job which was suprising to me. I thought all of it was lost in my short term memory. But had a good day. Went to the republic, alone, alex was out with his friends that night. I met up with some people and got trashed. We did a lot of bar hopping between republic and the barrel which are two different pubs right across the street from each other. I met up with this night guy named Ashley. I didn’t end up going home till just after 4, needless to say I was exhausted the next day!

May 19, 2007

Alex’s birthday, he turned 17! I was asleep for most of the day, recovering from the night before. I went to a bbq with drew and some people but left after a little bit and went to the barrel. No one was really there and nothing was going on so I headed home and gave Paul a call (hey that rhymes!). Paul came over and we hung out and watched a movie!

May 20, 2007

My 2nd day at work at the Bean! It was good because I got to work with Jose and I missed him. Paul was working too but he was in a very bad mood and acted like a complete prick all day! Needless to say, he made my day complete shit. After work I headed home because I was so exhausted. He texted me later that night and apologized for being mean, which was nice. I appreciate that he even said sorry. Then I crashed because I was so tired! I slept from 6pm to 8 am. I was just that tired!

May 21, 2007

That is today and I haven’t done anything yet. I’ve woken up and vaccumed for silvana becaue she has someone coming over any minute now to look at the house because she’s selling it. Silvana started me on a new diet today….it has something to do with detoxifying the liver. It involves drinking cranberry juice and crush flax seed in the morning and at night. I tried to drink it and ended up throwing up. So I’m going to do all other parts of the diet…..minus that part.
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