Nov 01, 2006 22:10
”Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It’s hard to say it
Time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye”
-Nickelback, Photograph
Okay, it’s been a bit. Both here and just online in general. And I got some stuff to talk about.
Monday was okay. Was my night to close at work. Nothing much happened except realizing just how immature people can be. When you need to make comments about passing gas, having aids, purposely calling someone by the wrong name and more…you’re in serious need of a backhand to set you straight.
And the fact this person was one of the young female part-timers really just makes me sick that a lady can hold herself so low (more like purposely crawled along the ground with any sense of dignity).
I’m not gonna say any names though *cough*Katie*cough*…. (That isn’t lying. I didn’t SAY anything. I typed it…)
Was however, my first night truly closing by myself. All went well (was there REALLY any doubt? Pfft, no!). But still, was cool.
Tuesday was a long day. And once again, work was okay until certain moments. First, Misti was ticking me off (one person I work with in the back). It’s not that she’s rude to me or anything. But my word, it’s like she’s a walking gossip columnist. I hear about EVERYONE’S business, be it they work there, or her great grandmother’s second cousin’s niece’s third puppy.
Seriously, she should work for a tabloid paper because she never shuts up about anything that’s no one’s business. Drive’s me up a wall. I know I like to talk, but I try not to get like that. Just feels very disrespectful to everyone, both whom she’s talking about and to those who have to listen.
Sadder part is I truly think she does it for attention. I mean, not just to talk, because it’s never just to talk to a single individual. It’s more a general announcement to anyone who can hear (reasons I feel this are evident today when she tried to change the subject back to her and she’ll repeat the SAME topic for anyone new who comes in as she did Tuesday for Ann). I like to talk, but usually, it’s specifically to someone. I’m not into starting a general convo (though I don’t mind if others want to join in, but I don’t just start one for attention).
The second thing, and perhaps biggest thing that irked me Tuesday at work is a comment John made (another co-worker, an older guy, retired and works only part time there). The topic of times people go to bed got brought up and most made the comment about going to bed at 10 -11. I made the comment that they were young’ns since I am up to usually 12 -1, sometimes 2am. Adding that, I do it now cause I know that won’t last. I also added that I can sometimes do that also because sometimes, on occasion, I’ve taken 1 - 2 hour naps when I got home too if I’m really that tired.
John had to make the comment, “I thought you had a wife and kid?”
So I replied, “Yeah, and?”
I don’t know if he really heard me ask (3 times mind you) or just had no answer but he didn’t directly comment on that. But he then added,
“You must not do anything around the house then, huh?”
Just how the heck do you make that kind of assumption about someone? I take a nap, I don’t forgo my life because I’m a little tired. And I told him, “No, I make sure Bryan’s fed, and my stuff is done. I don’t neglect things. And I’m not always alone either with him.”
He just shrugged that off, but said nothing more. But it really ticks me off he can make such ignorant comments (and I use that in both senses of the words).
But, I shouldn’t dwell just on that I suppose. Tuesday was Halloween, after all. That part was fun. After work, I went to my mother’s to get Bryan. Tick-Or-Treat started at 6. So, I chilled for a few in my bro’s room, talking to him while he played Halo on his Xbox 360. at 5:45, got Bryan ready in his costume (TMNT, Raphael. Same thing as least year, which is what he wanted to be, so oh well).
My mother, and everyone else except my bro, went to Lowe’s for the church party that’s thrown there every year. Me, Bryan and (surprisingly) my bro, went around the block to go Trick-Or-Treating. Some houses had virtually no décor, but we did run into 2 I found to be very nicely done, especially the first of the 2 we got to. We talked to the people a little bit, and even told him I appreciated the effort he put into things because it was sad to see people less and less involved with Halloween these days. It brought back good memories, and so, thanked him again. He seemed to appreciate my comments, even giving me my own little share of the candy. Can’t complain there!
I had intended to go at least for a full hour, being that the weather was nice and all and we were having fun. But 45 minutes in and Bryan wanted to stop. Claiming his bucket was getting heavy from all the candy (and, shockingly, was getting pretty full at this point). I tried to egg him to go a little longer, commenting to my bro that in my day, we filled pillowcases! No, he was done and happy with his haul.
It was his night, so we stopped like he wanted, going back to my mother’s. I let my son snack on a few pieces of candy and my bro and I played Marvel’s Ultimate alliance game on his Xbox 360. I enjoyed it a lot and might look into getting it for Bryan’s Xbox (even though it’s 2 less playable characters). We’ll see though.
As a side note, I want to say I’m really irked at people who felt the need to drive around the blocks, stopping door to door to let their kids Trick-Or-Treat. Frigg’n retards. How the heck you gonna drive around the neighborhood KNOWING it’ll be crowded with children and people in general?
And I guess that all leads to today. Today was okay, going by faster than the last couple days.
Work wasn’t QUITE as bad, since the one co-worker I really do enjoy talking with was back (was gone from Sunday - Tuesday). Misty still tried to “blah blah blah” her way through the day, but the co-worker I like talking to provided a nice reason to ignore her.
Was also proud of myself having actually gotten a decent amount of work done today (even though I always do, I just don’t always feel like I do. Today, I really felt like I did, so I’m glad).
I’m doing good in my DragonLance book. Just about done. 3 more chapters and an Epilogue to go, so I’m hoping I’ll finish tonight or tomorrow with it and start book #3 in the trilogy! Go me! I’m loving it and despite what Terin talked to me about, I’m still not sure on Mina. I mean, I suppose by now the author cemented her as “the villain” but she still hasn’t shown enough about this “One God” to prove he’s evil. Which I suppose is another reason I love the book. I’m still left guessing, wondering, etc. Course, she never explained how Galdar ended up with Mina in that one chapter when he was left behind the previous one. But ah well, minor overlook.
Guess I can also put here that “The Punisher” has been on my case a lot lately. I don’t know how to even approach this, and normally I wouldn’t if it wasn’t bugg’n me so.
For those that know, Adelle and I have been…estranged (for lack of a better term) for a couple years now. That can leave one…frustrated…in certain aspects of a lacking relationship. Meaning, certain things haven’t happened for years. And all the while in waking life, I’m relatively okay, and it isn’t much of an issue, my dreams the last week (yes, at least once every night), have reflected that I’m NOT okay with it.
Yes, “The Punisher” has decided I was to have a dream every night about every urge I have worked to control. And always with someone it knows I’m attracted to, even remotely.
I’m ready to see if I can find the right spot on my head to hit to stop it. Cause I don’t like waking up frustrated about that AND, on top of that, it has mostly (though not always) been with someone I’d like to pursue for something more meaningful than that.
I hate my subconscious.
Nothing much else to report. Updated/Changed some more LJ icons. I basically just got rid of the TMNT icons since I hardly used them and they didn’t really fit with anything. Replaced with icons that provided for one or more themes I oft’ write about.
video games,
work (okay),
lj icons,
dragonlance: dragons of a lost star