a short update from the library

Apr 19, 2007 12:03

Still no word on the computer. I keep speedreading my flist and answering mail during the day and saving links to everything I'll want to download later. Woe. If I don't get it for the weekend I may cry. (Or not, but at least I'll complain a lot.)

A guy on the bus this morning looked exactly like Frank Iero (massive, glorious picspam of joy by shrift). I was pleased. I'm starting to feel the pull of bandslash again. People all over are getting into it and posting fresh picspam and recs. Just, take a look at some of the links here collected by wistfuljane and tell me you don't feel at least a twinge of interest. (Or lust. Or both.) I'll call you a liar. They're adorable. (Especially Patrick. And Bob, and Frank, and Gerard and ... hell, all of them, really.)

Didn't Lance look AMAZING in the Glaad pics? And on DwtS? I ♥ him so much.

What else? I have recs, tons of them, but they need typing up and linking and I'm without my bookmarks. (Woe.)

computers, links, bandslash

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